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1 Teacher Training with Cabri Géomètre

The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in scientific education has considerably spread in the last few years. Nevertheless, many teachers haven’t yet completely overcome their fears and suspicions about applying ICT in mathematical education. Furthermore, there is a generational gap which raises further difficulties: while most of the in-service teachers don’t have confidence in the new technologies nor with their application in educational activities, the young teachers are more acquainted with these tools and appreciate their potential in mathematics teaching. Of course, they need help and suggestions for a powerful use in the classroom. In this paper I will present the experience of a course for future mathematics teachers given at the University of Perugia. The aims of the course were: introducing mathematics teachers into a learning experience with a Dynamic Geometry Environment (Cabri Géomètre); making them work in small groups on topics chosen by themselves; making them develop teaching units based on ‘Cabri’ dynamic geometry projects; stimulating discussions about ICT’s strengths and weaknesses in the learning/teaching process. The experience showed that the participants, after getting used to the new technological tool, were able to apply their competence in the construction of interactive educational materials for a classroom situation. Moreover, they could focus on their (technical, mathematical and educational) difficulties and develop some critical reflections. The Course Management System ‘Moodle’ was utilized for hosting the learning materials, and most of the projects were developed by the participants in the course. For that purpose, the CabriJava technology was used. 

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