Gender and language differences are integral field of study in sociolinguistics that accounts for the way language is used in the society and the choices people make when speaking. This is usually complemented by pragmatics. A number of studies have been done on gender and language differences, however, there appears to be inadequate research on the socio-pragmatic investigation of gender and language differences in these African literary texts; Ama Atta Aidoo’s Change and Chimamanda N. Adichie’s Half of a Yellow Sun and applying Speech Acts and Mood system as analytical tool  of study. Therefore, the study investigated the language differences of both genders and how they relate to context in the selected texts.

The study employed both the qualitative and quantitative methods of analysis to foreground the differences in the language choices of both. Using the purposive random sampling technique, a total of twenty inter-gender dialogues were selected from Ama Atta Aidoo’s Changes andChimamanda N. Adichie’s Half of a Yellow Sun. For data analysis, the research employed Speech Acts by J. L. Austin and J. Searle and Mood Systems tool as propounded by M.A.K Halliday.

Findings showed diverse language features in utterances made by male and female interlocutors in the selected African texts. It was discovered that within the socio-cultural context of love, marriage and family events, men and women language differed. In Changes, male interlocutors used more indicative interrogatives, directives, tag questions and minimal responses while female interlocutors used more indicative declaratives, imperatives, assertives and expressives hedges, polite expressions and intensifiers. In Half of a Yellow Sun, male interlocutors used more indicative declaratives, commissives, expressives, intensifiers, vernacular, polite expressions and hedges while female interlocutors used more indicative interrogatives, assertives, directives, tag questions and minimal responses. Within physical, socio-cultural and psychological contexts as identified in the texts, it was discovered that socio-cultural context dominates the texts in form of marriage and family events.

The study concluded that males interrogate more while females expressed more of simple, polite but emphatic sentences. However, the study discovered that context is the ultimate determinant of human language choices.

Keywords: Gender, Speech Acts, Mood System, Inferior Language and Superior Language

Word Count: 475


Content                                                                                                                       Page

Title page                                                                                                                    i

Certification                                                                                                                ii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iii

Acknowledgements                                                                                                    iv

Abstract                                                                                                                      v

Table of Contents                                                                                                       vi

List of Tables                                                                                                              vii

List of Figures                                                                                                             viii

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION                               

1.1       Background to the Study                                                                               1

1.2       Statement of the Problem                                                                               2

1.3       Objective of the Study                                                                                   3

1.4       Research Questions                                                                                         3

1.5       Scope of the Study                                                                                         4

1.6       Significance of the Study                                                                               4

1.7       Justification for the Study                                                                              5

1.8       Theoretical Framework                                                                                   5

1.9       Synopsis of the Selected Texts                                                                       6

Content                                                                                                                       Page

CHAPTER TWO: REVIEW OF LITERATURE                                           

2.0       Introduction                                                                                                    8

2.1       Language and Gender                                                              8

2.2       Language and Culture                                          9

2.3       Social Root of Gender Language Differences                            10

2.4       Gender and Language Differences                                   11

2.5       Sociolinguistics                                                                                               13

2.6       Sociolinguistics and Gender Language Differences   15

2.7       Sexist Language and Linguistic Discrimination      20

2.8       Studies on Language and Gender                                 23

2.9       Women and Men Language Differences        25

2.10     Relationship between Sociolinguistics and Pragmatics 28

2.11     The Concept of Pragmatics                                    29

2.12     Speech Acts Theory                                                                                        30

2.12.1  J.L. Austin’s Contribution                                                                              30

2.12.2  Searle’s Contribution                                                                                      32

2.13     The Notion of Context                                                                                   33

2.14     Systemic Functional Grammar                                        36

2.14.1  The English Mood System                                                                              36

2.15     Relationships between Speech Acts and Mood Structure        39

Content                                                      Page

2.16        Conclusion                                                                    41


3.0       Introduction                                                                                                    42

3.1       Method of Data Collection                                                                             42

3.2       Data Presentation                                                                                            43

3.3       Tools of Analysis                                                                                            43



4.0       Introduction                                                                                                    44

4.1       Socio-Pragmatic Features in Changes and Half of a Yellow Sun 44

4.1.1    Mood System – Interrogatives, Declaratives and Imperative 44       

4.1.2    Speech Acts – Assertives, Directives, Commissives, Expressive and Declarations                                                                                             52

4.1.3    Gender Language Features – Hedges, Intensifiers, Tag questions, Vernacular etc.                                                                                                61

4.2       Contexts in Changes and Half of a Yellow Sun   67

4.3       Summary Analysis of Changes                                          70

4.4       Summary Analysis of Half of a Yellow Sun                             72

4.5       Summary Analysis of Changes and Half of a Yellow Sun    74


5.0       Introduction                                                                                                    81

5.1       Summary                                                                                                         81

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                                      83

Content                                                                                                                       Page

5.3       Recommendation                                                                                            84

5.4       Contribution to Knowledge                                                84

5.5       Suggestion for Further Studies                                           85

REFERENCES                                                                                                                86


Table                                                                                                                           Page

1 Summary Analysis of Changes by Ama Atta Adioo                            70

1.1 Mood Summary                                                                                                    70

1.2 Speech Acts Summary                                                                                          71

1.3 Gender Language Summary                                                  72

2 Summary Analysis of Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Adichie  72

2.1 Mood Summary                                                                                                    72

2.2 Speech Acts Summary                                                                                          73

2.3 Gender Language Summary                                             74

3 Summary of Ama Atta Adioo’s Changes and Adichie’s Half of a Yellow Sun      74

3.1 Mood Summary                                                                                                    74

3.2 Speech Acts Summary                                                                                          75

3.3 Gender Language Summary                                         75

                                                          LIST OF FIGURES

Figure                                                                                                                          Page

1 Mood System Chart                                                                                                 39

2 Summary Analysis of Changes by Ama Atta Adioo                              76

2.1 Mood System                                                                                                        76

2.2 Speech Acts                                                                                                          77

2.3 Gender Language Features                                                   77

3 Summary Analysis of Adichie’s Half of a Yellow Sun   78

3.1 Mood System                                                                                                        78

3.2 Speech Acts                                                                                                          78

3.3 Gender Language Features                                           79

4 Summary Analysis of Ama Atta Adioo’s Changes and Adichie’s Half of a Yellow Sun                                                                      79

4.1 Mood System                                                                                                        79

4.2 Speech Acts                                                                                                          80

4.3 Gender Language Features                                             80



1.1       Background to the Study

A crucial distinction between human beings and animals is to a large extent the way we communicate with one another. Human beings use words to express emotions, thoughts and information of any kind. In each language use, words are constructed in a particular way and it is inspiring to know that when studying written or verbal words, it is quite possible to ascertain whether a word belongs to one gender or another even when the person has no clue about the gender of the one communicating.

Language, according to Osisanwo (2008:1), is human vocal noise or the arbitrary graphic representation of this noise, used systematically and conventionally by members of a speech community for purposes of communication.  It is important to know that language is a human attribute. It has a graphic representation which is in form of text, used in different ways by members of a society to communicate their feelings, intentions, fears, anger and roles.

Language is a means of communication used by people of the same sex or opposite sex to accomplish such functions as ordering, promising, arguing, and so on. In essence, any communicative function needs to be carried out within a context, which may either be situational, interpersonal or social and cultural. In the process of communication, language users are expected to be in possession of two sets of capabilities: They should have knowledge of the forms of language they use and must know how to use this knowledge in negotiating meaning. In order to clarify meaning, the speakers and hearers or writers and readers should be able to interact meaningfully as context influences meaning.

Gender and language have become an interesting topic which linguists have investigated over time. Early studies in linguistic anthropology see Lakoff (1973, 1975) J. Coates (1988), Fishman (1980), Zimmerman (1975) and many others looked at the differences between women’s and men’s speeches across languages to identify distinct female and male language features. Focusing on the findings by Lakoff (1975), among speakers from similar social class, women tend to use more standard and formal language forms which are characterized by, intensifiers, hedges, tag question sentences, minimal responses, exclamation remarks, polite expressions and indirect expressions. While men use more of vernacular, taboo words, proverbs, command expressions, interruptions, strategic language in order to control conversations and less minimal responses to mention but a few. Lakoff in his book Language and women’s place concludes that women’s language is inferior while men’s language is superior. According to the findings, the difference in men and women’s language features reflects a power imbalance between the sexes

However, according to Lakoff (1975), there are different views why men and women possess different language features. To him, women belong to the minority group which is oppressed and marginalized and women belong to different subcultures, and their differing conversational styles reflect these subcultures. Also is the view that women’s language is weak, hesitance and lack confidence. As a result, women’s language features present women as powerless, incapable of holding power and of presenting their point of view forcefully.

Holmes (1992:16) posits that “the aim of sociolinguistics is to move towards a theory which provides a motivated account of the way language is used in a community, and of the choices people make when they use language”. Dong Jinyu (2014) states that the main content of sociolinguistics is the study of the relationships between language and society that is; it majors on the study of language structure and social context.

Bucholtz (1999) in his own view emphasizes that what is needed in the study of the differences in gender language is a form of analysis which is less focused on the individual woman or man and trends of speech in the society as a whole, but more focused on the way context and individual mutually shape the manner in which the interaction takes place. This study therefore, investigated the differences in gender language use of interlocutors as it relates to context in the selected text – Ama Atta Adio’s Changes and Adichies’ Half of a Yellow Sun.

1.2       Statement of the Problem

Different scholars have recognized and taken interest in the language use and creative prowess of Ama Atta Aidoo’s Changes and Chimamanda’s Half of a Yellow Sun.  However, most of the studies available on these literary texts are mostly on theme, creative processes and aesthetics; little attention is given to linguistic studies like socio-pragmatic investigation of the language difference of genders and how it relates to context. This study investigated the different language features of the interlocutors, contexts, speech acts and mood types of male and female characters in the selected texts, hence the question, do women in all contexts truly reflect powerless language as opposed to their male counterparts? The study adopted insights from Wardhaughs’ theory of “difference” in the language differences of genders.