Analysis of a methodological proposal for bilingual early childhood in a public child development center


The belief about learning a second languagein Colombia after schooling is changing. In our country Early childhood is taking prominence even more when we talk about the implementation of new models of bilingual education that allow children in the acquisition of English as a foreign language. The implementation of activities within the classroom shows us how infants begin to develop their speaking and listening skills through understanding and production of this new language. This document has a model of bilingual early childhood, carried out in Early Childhood using the method action research as a source of information. The implementation of a pilot by the researchers was therefore required to collect the necessary data and thus, carry out a systematic process divided into different stages that included the participation of six teachers in charge of the groups where the study was developed in the kindergarten. This project was conducted in the child development center (CDC) “Cosechando suenos” with kindergarten and preschool groups. To obtain the information required was essential the inclusion of instruments to collect data such as interviews, observations, and stimulated recall. The analysis of the information gathered showed how the implementation of a bilingual early childhood model encourages children to acquire a second language throughout its exposure in a natural way, by means of the use of materials that were implemented through different activities within the classroom.Â