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Practitioners should find out who their customers are any information that helps the practitioner to appeal to the customer more intelligently is extremely valuable. Advertising in ancient and medieval times although crude was used to a group of people in order to change and reinforce their attitude. Most historians believe that the outdoor signs carved in day, woods and Roman merchants were the first forms of advertising. Phoenicians who were outstanding traders and merchants, used advertising in crude form.

At that time the persuasive aspects of advertising as we have it today were absent since most of the population in read and write. Johann, G (1445), his intervention made possible the existence of new advertising media. Another major technological breakthrough was the invention of photography in 1800. The radio which started in November 2, 1920, the radio made of possible for advertisers to reach large ‘captive audience’ that radio tune into its popular programmes. The greatest expensive of any mass medium took place with the first television broadcast in 1941, the use of television advertisement started growing rapidly. Advertisement of Crunchies products in any manner is prohibited, except print media.

Advertising promotes a product idea or service public relation publicity and propaganda aim of campaign in advertising strategy may be to expand setting, secure a market or just to get a more share of buyers want more products, this is known as directed to these buyers.

Evidence abound to show that the modern management faces a new set of responsibilities requires efficacious system that manages a much larger organization than his earlier counterpart, for this reason, he require more advertisement skill and techniques in the co-ordination and broadcasting the Crunchies products. To achieve its set goals, organization often spend huge sum of money in advertising, developing and compensating the human resource without the organization actually as pertaining the returns of what in invested. It is not certain if advertising is beneficial to the Crunchies product as its production business cannot be as curtained by more observation.

The problem of this study therefore is to analyze the Crunchies product and the customer patronage as scarce resources, managers encountering many challenges such as how to deal with production planning on how to advertise Crunchies product, manage invention on hand, control the quality of product at a reduce cost, delegate responsibility.




The objective of this study was to examine the Crunchies product advertisement and customer’s patronage. Our specific objectives were to:

  1. Communicate information about its product, its features and its location.
  2. Inform about the opportunity.
  3. Induce customers to try any products and to suggest its reuse.
  4. Giving products its identity and its differences of similar products.
    • Research Questions

To guide this research work, the following questions were formulated:

  1. Does advertisement enhance customer’s patronage?
  2. Does advertisement helps marketing by promoting the product or services?
  3. Does the influence of product enhance patronage?
  4. To what extent does crunches product differ from each other?




The following hypotheses were drawn to guide the research work:

Hi: There is significance relationship between Crunchies product advertisement and customers’ patronage.

Hi: Product advertising can create opportunity for customers’ patronage.  

This study makes a difference in terms of product advertisement and customers’ patronage. This is because of the need to enhance customers’ patronage. It would help individual, group and society to get more information about a particular product advertisement serve as a source of information or reference material to those who might want to conduct a research on the same problem of the nature. It would help the customer to identify good product. This project will be useful to other researchers because it will provide reference materials to them.  

The study covered customer patronage and to ensure accurate and reliable data collection. The scope of this book was limited to the analysis of Crunchies product advertisement and customers’ patronage. This research will be restricted to customers that will buy a particular product.   

For the purpose of clarifying and understanding the following terms are defined as used in research study.

Advertisement: Advertisement has been described as a communication processes, marketing, economic and social process, public relations and information and persuasion process, depending on the point of view of various professions.

Crunchies: Firm and crisp and making a sharp sound when you bite or crush it.

Product: A thing that is grown or produced, usually for sale. It is a thing produce during a natural chemical or individual process.

Customer: A person or an organization that buys something from a store, shop or business centres.

Patronage: The support, especially financial, that is given to a person or an organization by a patron. It is the system by which an important person gives help or a job to somebody in return for their support. This also defined as the support that a person gives a shop, stores, restaurant, etc by spending money there in buying their product.

Analysis: This is the detailed study or examination of something in order to understand more about it; the result of the study, it is used to say what is most important after everything has been discussed or considered, it is a matter of personal choice.       


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