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1.1 Background of the Study

Capacity building is a process through which individuals, groups and organizations are empowered to meet development challenges (Miller, 2018). According to Ann and Olaitan (2017) capacity building is the process of developing and strengthening the skills, instincts, resources and ability that farmers need for them to survive, adapt and thrive in the fast changing world of technology through appropriate knowledge, skills, system, attitude and resources that will enable farmers especially the women farmers to be effective and efficient in processing of their farm produce. United Nations (2017) defines capacity building as a conceptual approach to development that focuses on understanding the obstacles that inhibit people, governments, international organizations and non-governmental organizations from realizing their developmental goals while enhancing the abilities that will allow them to achieve measurable and sustainable results.

Red Cross (2000) enumerated the four components of capacity building as institutional development, financial resource development, human resource development and effective national society programmed. They are equal partners in the capacity building process and they are complex and closely interwoven. The strong unifying factor among these elements is the programmed mission of helping the most vulnerable people. Individual capacities are often assessed in relation to the need for training and lead to some form of assessment of training needs. In the past, these were developed through a comparison of competencies and responsibilities and the need to try to match these two more closely for the organizations human resources (Kay, Tom and Sonia, 2003). Needs Assessments set out to determine accomplished goals and then make recommendations about which activities will be most useful for achieving those results (Need, 2015)  

Vegetable farming is the growing of vegetables for human consumption. The practice probably started in several parts of the world over ten thousand years ago, with families growing vegetables for their own consumption or to trade locally (Wikipedia, 2019). Vegetable production is a growing aspect of agriculture in recent times because the awareness to consume vegetables for good health is increasing.  According to Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) (2009), vegetables play a significant role in supplying the essential minerals, vitamins and fiber not present in large quantities in starchy staple foods. Vegetables add flavors to meals, they are tasty, healthy and supply both proteins and carbohydrates. According to Agropedia (2009), farmers adopt the production of vegetables due to the changing food habits of people and the increasing awareness of individuals towards balanced diet and concept of nutritional security.

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