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Bilingual Educational Tool for Breast Cancer Genetics

Abstract : The recognition and study of the BRCA genes associated with hereditary breast and ovarian cancer have led to the development of cancer genetics counseling as an important medical intervention. Knowledge about how to counsel and educate patients has lagged behind the molecular tools and insights on these genes. The deficits concern educational approaches to both patients and professionals. This project has attempted to remedy some of the gaps in knowledge and materials by developing a tool for cancer genetics education of patients in the setting of an individual or group education session. This tool, termed a counseling manual, was developed to establish a uniform and clear linear teaching strategy for patients which can be easily understood by individuals with a third grade or higher educational level. This tool is meant to enhance patient education about cancer genetics and thus, to aid the patient in decision-making. In addition, given the wide range of professionals that at present deliver this education, the objective of this tool is to make the content of this education session more uniform, and not subject to the specific background of the health care professional. The tool was developed both in English and Spanish, and an accompanying CD-ROM was developed in English. These tools are at present being utilized by several centers and are undergoing thorough evaluation by patients and professionals

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