
This research paper looks at the phenomenon of child abuse as presented in Amma Darko’s Faceless it takes into consideration the methods of characterization and looks at how the different characters are placed to ensure proper presentation of incidents in the novel. The work establishes the fact that the phenomenon of child abuse is prevalent in Africa in general, and in Ghana in particular. The afore-mentioned, have been discussed critically bringing out, what child abuse is, the various types of child abuse, the causal factors and the effects of child abuse on both the abused child and the community as a whole. Mention has been made of possible preventive measures which ought to be put in place to curb this social menace. In other to explore the phenomenon of child abuse this paper takes a critical look into the major characters that make up the plot of the novel. While detecting the root cause of the issue of child abuse. It takes into consideration suggestions that would cope with this menace.

Chapter One


1.1 Definition of Characterization

 Characterization is a literary device that is used step-by-step in literature to highlight and explain the details about a character in a story. It is in the initial stage in which the writer introduces the character with noticeable emergence. After introducing the character, the writer often talks about his behavior; then, as the story progresses, the thought-processes of the character. The next stage involves the character expressing his opinions and ideas, and getting into conversations with the rest of the characters. The final part shows how others in the story respond to the character’s personality. Characterization as a literary tool was coined in the mid 15th century. Aristotle in his Poetics argued that “tragedy is a representation, not of men, but of action and life.” Thus the assertion of the dominance of plotover characters, termed “plot-driven narrative,” is unmistakable. This point of view was later abandoned by many because, in the 19th century, the dominance of character over plot became clear through petty bourgeois novels.

1.1.1 Methods of Characterization

          Characterization in literature is the process authors use to develop characters and create images of the characters for the audience. There are two different approaches to characterization, including direct characterizationand indirect characterization. With the direct approach, the author tells us what he or she wants us to know about the character. With indirect characterization, the author shows us things about the character to help us have an understanding of the character’s personality and effect on other characters.

Authors can develop characterization in two ways: directly and indirectly. It’s important to note that these two methods are not mutually exclusive. Most authors can and do use both direct and indirect methods of characterization to develop their characters.