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As long as human being need each other in behaviour and action, economic activities as well as administration are becoming more complex. Organizations are lending towards grouping with each other, through the process of communication.

Institutions in the same group or ministries may frequently be separated geographically by considerable distance. Often therefore, it is impossible for a public organization and administrators to hold effective meeting or to contact all interested parties.

Consequently, a good communication becomes essential for the effective operation of any organization or institutions.

Levis and Burker (1983) defined communication as the conveying of thought, opinions, desires, and data to someone else but it more than just an exchange of evidence.

For the receiver must understand, communication to be effective when the receiver understands whatever the sender says or write, thus communication are concerned with the successful transfer of messages from sender to receiver.

Communication can also be view as the process by which one group share and impact information to another group so that both can clearly understand one another. Communication is the process of passing information, news, signal form one person to another. James Etal (1990). From the above perspective, communication is not only concerned with giving of information to the receiver. The information so communicated should be effective, and be capable of creating understanding and acceptance. Communication is the transmission of message from a source through a channel to a destination.

Communication could be verbal or written. Human beings cannot survive without communication. Communication therefore exists everywhere and it has now become an indispensable tool for effective management.

However, all the key function of administration and organization such as planning, organizing, directing and controlling depend on



effective form of proper communication. The role of communication to administration is highlighted by the fact that, according to (Akanni,  J. A. (2002) he discovered that jobs can be obtain through effective communication which involved formal means of communication such as listening, speaking, reading and writing.

When administrators in an organization are friendly and have a good working environment, communication tends to be very good but when there is no conducive environment in the communication pattern in any organization, there will be resentment, hatred, gossips or when there is feeling of incompetence and insecurity, there is bound to be communication breakdown and the communication breakdown can lead to downfall of an organization.

All leaders encourage effective communication by establishing channels (formal and informal) means of transmitting information to the people especially their subordinates. To be frank, by soliciting information and sending the feedback, through this process, there is good organization climate for the administrators.

In every enterprise, effective communication channel is required to transmit company policies, programmes, rules and regulations to the public. It is through good communication that boards of directors maintain good management growth.

The effect of communication can be measured in terms of attitudes and performance of staff affects the moral of the employees and their attitudes towards the administration and consequently productivity.

A good administrator recognizes the fact that he has to transmit skill and knowledge through the various means or source of communication to those members of the organization, through the process of directing, controlling, organizing and ability to make decisions. Also, the quality of communication skill posses by an administrator determines his level of accomplishment. After all the primary function of an administrator in the management of relation between the organization and it environment, in the overall goal achieving optimal performance of the primary task of the institution.

Therefore, the issue of orders and elicit of participative responses are totally dependent on communication.


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