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1.0     Introduction

As information technologies grow more progressive, the manual accounting systems have become gradually inadequate for decision needs. Consequently, public and private sector firms in both developing and developed economies view Computerized Accounting Information System (CAIS) as a vehicle to ensure effective and efficient information flow in the recording, processing, and analysis of financial data. Effective and efficient information flow enhances managerial decision-making, thereby increasing the firm’s ability to achieve corporate and business strategy objectives. This in turn, may increase the prospects of the firm’s survival.

CAIS-related issues research, due to its importance to practice and education, is well documented in the accounting information systems literature. Chenhall and Morris, for example, examine the impact of contextual variables such as structure, environment, and interdependence on CAIS design and performance. Brecht and Martin explore opportunities for accountants to contribute to systems design. Pos­ton and Grabski‘s survey focuses on the underlying theory motivating the research and predicted that future CAIS research would maintain a balance between normative and positive work with organizational theory. Subsequently, research considers use of account­ing information by operations managers and enter­prise resource planning system and management accounting change (Scapens and Jazay­eri, . Likewise, Arnold, Clark, Collier, Leech and Sutton  examine the effects of knowledge-based systems on decision-making and find that the availability of a fully functional explanation facility influence both novices’ and experts’ judgments. Dehning, Pfeiffer and Richardson  also consider analysts’ forecasts and investments in informa­tion technology (IT) using a dataset of over 1,000 US firms, thus emphasizing that IT spend­ing increases earnings forecasts, dispersion and error. Ferguson and Seow’s review confirms the continuing decline in analytical and model-building research in accounting information system related research, resulting in research that considers accounting infor­mation and managerial work and the utilization of generalized audit software by small-medium-sized audit firms in the UK. Research on CAIS in developing economies is at its infancy, for example, practices among SMEs, threats to security, implications for internal auditing, failure, success and local improvisation. Evidence on CAIS-related issues in SOEs in developing countries, however, remains scant, despite the notion that public and private sector in both developing and developed countries are equally affected by the advent of the CAIS. This study attempts to fill this gap.


1.1     Theoretical Background

From the inception of the 21st century, it is believed that the application of computers on activities enhances speed, accuracy, efficiency and security of those activities. To the researcher, this belief is a theory that needs to be proven over and over again until all thinkable activities are computerized. To this end, the researcher wants to further prove this by implementing the Academic financial Accounting for record keeping and management of the accounting information.


1.2 Statement of the Study

School usually record information pertaining to school fees payment and this brings about delay in retrieving of information since they are stored on traditional flat file. These files when in large number usually occupies unnecessary space that would have been utilized in something else. Most times, accountants in this Academic financial Department do encounter difficulties in the analyses of the financial records. Bulgy records in files attract inaccurate accounts from these accountants which gives rise to uncertainty in the decision making of the managements of such school.

More so, below are the problems faced by the users of the existing system

  1. it takes much time to process and prepare account statement
  2. It do occupy unnecessary space in the office
  3. It makes job heavier and tedious to the accountants and cashier.


1.3     Aims of the Study

The aim of this research work is to develop an information system that will remove the stress involved in the manual way of operating financial account in the school

Objectives of the Study

The following are objectives of this research work

  1. To provide financial information about the reporting entity that is useful to existing and potential investors, lenders and other creditors in making decisions about providing resources to the entity.
  2. To provide Capital maintenance in the competing objectives of financial reporting.



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