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Chapter One:

General Introduction


A wireless microphone is one without a physical cable connecting it directly to the sound recording or amplifying equipment with which it is associated. Also known as radio microphone, it has a small battery powered radio transmitter in the microphone body which transmits the audio signal from the microphone by radio waves to a nearly receiver unit. Wireless microphone is one widely used in the entertainment industry, television broadcasting and public speaking to allow public speakers interviewers, performers and entertainers to move about freely while using the microphone to amplify their voices.

Briefly writing on the history of wireless microphone, various individuals and organizations claim to be the inventors of the wireless microphone from about 1945. There were schematics and hobbyist kits offered in popular science and would transmit the voice to a nearly radio. Considering the efforts of many individuals from the likes of:

Figure skater 1947

Herbert Mac McClelland 1951

Shure Brother 1953

And lots more claim to be inventors but their inventions failed to comply with the demand of range. Wide dynamic range came with the introduction of the first compander wireless microphone offered by Nody systems in 1976. Nody joined CBs, Sennherisa and Vegan in 1996 to receive a joint many award for pioneering the development of the broadcasting wireless microphone.


1.1  Significance of Study

This study will be useful to student lecturers and the entire public, enabling them to know the concept and working principle, construction and the electronic components involved in the wireless microphone.


1.2  Scope of the Study

The scope of the guide is limited to wireless microphone system used in audio applications. The reader is pressured to be some what familiar with basic audio. However, since wireless microphone system depend upon certain general principal radio, some information on basic radio is induced.


1.3  Limitation of the Study

The study meets with series of challenges which could have hindered a successful completion. Among these challenges are:

–      Poor access to network

–      Inability to comply a release of factual materials to facilitate the work.

–      Delay in granting material and components which could have a ded finding.


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