In most developed countries such as United States of America France and China hotel business has become more sophisticated than it was a decade ago.

The world today has taken a new dimension as long as business is concerned.  But today it is a matter of closing your eyes and before you can open it, you are already in another continent.

Millions of people leave their country of origin everyday to other countries.  Now the question where do these people stay in that foreign land? How do they feed and where do they sleep? Who takes care of then? But can these hotels meet the demand of growing number of people who want services at the same time? Besides the fastest means of manual labour cannot cope with this kind of pressure.

Therefore, the need for faster better efficient and more convent way for handling manual labour aroused the introduction of robotic machines (computers) these robotic machines can handle millions of processes just in one second 




The manual hotel reservation system when considered has a variety of problems.  These problems when solved would make for smoother and quicker reservation processes reduction of newsprint storage spaces make efficient and reliable reservation system.

The functions that would be carried out by the online reservation system are as follows

  1. Instant access to room status from any part of the world.
  2. Centralized inventory control at any given time or place. 
  3. Acceptation of client’s identity and information processes it, and display of output so processed on the hotel’s web page.
  4. Global mechanization of quests files
  5. Viewing of all occupied rooms from any part of the world.
  6. Viewing of room rates at any point in time
  7. Cancellation of reserved rooms when such reservations are no long necessary.

The need for carrying out all hotel reservation activities online is as a result of the long distant a client has to travel before getting a room booked for him (for clients and customers who are based outside the state or country) and on getting to the hotel finds out that there is not available room.

The ability for a client to book a room form any part of the world is one of the reasons why presidential Hotel Enugu has to introduce online services to their reservation system.

Having discussed the need for accessibility from anywhere is the world I have decided to carry out my research on online hotel reservation system with presidential hotel Enugu being my case study.

Presidential hotel Enugu in one of five star hotels east of the Niger.  The hotel can cater for every business and entertainment needs. Whether it be a small private launching or a large conference meeting the hotel offers an impressive range of facilities the beautifully designed quest rooms all over at presidential hotel Enugu and the beautiful natural vegetation also provides revelation facilities for whatever game you can think of. To meet its world standard requirement most facilities in this hotel are fully computerized.

These facilities include the following By practical consideration of cost and time.  This research is also carried out along with the classroom work and as a result I failed to devote my full time to the research work I was also constrained by the attitude of the workers in the front office department who in order to maintain their securely failed to supply me in full details the answer to my questions and was denied the opportunity of seeing the facilities in operation.