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1.0     Introduction

The advent of computer Technology has completely changed the way things are done globally. These effects of computer Technology can be in all field of study, consequently giving birth to the automation of process of activities in this study will seek to usher in automation of the broadcasting editing system. It is believed that the traditional broadcasting editing system is grossly inefficient and   ineffective. These have been the reason behind the epileptic broadcasting presented on daily basis by journalists to their teaming audience globally.

This study is carried out with the view of designing a new system that will take good care of the ineffectiveness that characterized the existing system and automation of the entire process of broadcasting editing by doing this we don’t have to be there to gather news, it can be done through the help of calls and internet which makes it easy for the masses, instead of going to buy newspaper from the vendor.



1.1     Theoretical Background

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, editor comes from the Latin phrase “editus’’ which means “to put forward”.  Therefore, Broadcasting Editing is the process of preparing language, News, for presentation to the audience, through correction, condensation, organization and other modification.  News editing ensures that News is of good quality. In large media houses, experienced writers are dedicated to the News editing function.

Broadcast items can be gathered manually through so many sources or methods which include official records, Archives, journals, documentaries, tipsters or those you can also call experts, eyewitnesses, publication or broadcasts, officials in government or business, organizations or corporations, information gathered from other media like newspaper and people involved with or affected by a new event or issue.

The old and traditional way of editing broadcasting has some problems that make them inefficient and ineffective compared to the new system of editing news and these includes:

  1. The documentaries gathered might have unlimited information that the news editor might find very hard to work with.
  2. The tipsters or experts in broadcasting editing are very hard to find.
  3. Other media houses like newspapers and eyewitnesses may be unreliable because they can present non-authentic information.
  4. It was very stressfully and time consuming to edit news manually in the sense that sometimes, you have to be at the crime scene to gather information manually. But this new system deals with computability, complexity and correctness. And all these will be discussed as we go further into this work.

1.2     Statement of the Problem

The problems that characterized the existing system are actually responsible for the fall in the quality of news production and presentation. The problems with the existing system include:

  1. Reviewing of reports submitted by reporters on the field
  2. Identification of errors in the reports, this includes: grammatical errors, spelling errors, punctuation errors etc.
  1. Organization of the reports in an orderly manner for presentation to the audience.
  2. And other modifications.

1.3     Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of this study is to design a new system that will surpass the existing system and automating the entire process of broadcasting editing system, which will further enhance News editing. The objectives of the study are: Detection of errors, Correction of errors, Reviewing of reports, Summarization of reports, and promoting broadcasting editing in terms of Quality, Timeliness, Accuracy and flexibility.

1.4     Significance of the Study

Like other studies or projects carried out on various issues in different fields of human endeavor, globally, the purpose of this study is as follows:

  1. This study will try to find out new ways of reviewing reports that are far better than the existing method
  2. To seek a way of editing broadcasting that will take less time when compared to the former or traditional method, existing system.
  3. This study will try to discover methods of improving the quality of edited piece of news done by the editor.
  4. The purpose of this study is to uncover an easier way of correcting the errors commonly found in reports from the field directly.


1.5 Scope of the Study

The scope of this study will cover all the activities and processes that are involved in Broadcasting Editing from the submission of news reports to the final News editing process. These will further lead to the design and implementation of a blue print for the automation of broadcasting editing system (existing system).


1.6     Organization of the research

The research work is arranged in the following chapters;

Chapter 1: The introductory chapter, which focused on the preliminaries theory.

Chapter 2: The overview of the research work.

Chapter 3: The system design and methodology.

Chapter 4: The system implementation and documentation.

Chapter 5: Finally, summary of the research work.



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