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Background of the Study

          The Federal Government of Nigeria has adopted education as an instrument “par excellence” for effecting national development. The Federal Republic of Nigeria in the National Policy on Education (FRN, 2004) states that any successful system of education must be hinged on proper planning, efficient administration, good organization and adequate financing. This demand the due process compliance of the inspectorate of education.The Public Procurement Act (2007) looked at Due Process as a mechanism for ensuring strict compliance in other to harmonize and update the rules and procedures that should guide the implementation of educational policy and contract award with the federal government of Nigeria.


Nigerian since the early 80s has been confronted with magnitude of educational problems. This problem in brief include low priority accorded to inspection Un-wanted interference in the school administration by the political leaders, multiplication of school with few inspectors, refusal to implement the laid down plan and poor financial management practices, Nigeria therefore has been battling with how to achieve its major educational objectives. These objectives include improving educational standard, quality assurance and reformation of the federal and state inspectorate of education. It has not been easy for Nigeria to realize theabove objectives some of the factors responsiblefor this are poor performance because of the following reasons: Unwillingness of stake holders in education to enforce innovation due to political instability, misplacement of priorities, shortage of basic infrastructural amenities and utilities and problem of qualified personnel government use due process policy and implementation mechanism to address a number of issues. Including budget implementation service delivery, quality assurance, reformation of the inspectorate of education and several developmental concerns.

Due process started by the budget monitoring and price intelligence unit under madam Obiageli Ezekwesili 2007. Anumber of new rules and standards have been put in place by the inspectorate while there have been effort at sensitizing the state branches of the federal inspectorate of the education. The prime objective of the Due process is to harmonize and update all the federal and state inspectorate of education policies and practices on inspection. Also to strictly enforce the Due process principles of transparency, in other to ensure efficient and integrity based monitoring of the implementation of FIS and SIE guide line with Due process principles.

Moreso is concern with the prevention of extra budgetary spending by the inspectorate and ensuring that only projects with due appropriation by the finance department of the inspectorate are certified and thus funded for execution. The.Process for improving quality education in Nigeria generally includes improved curriculum, proper planning for effective and efficient administration, and also improved funding, monitoring and adequate inspection and supervision. This is in consonant with the Federal Republic of Nigeria (2006) policy document which outlines the objectives of inspectorate service in education to include provision of adequate and effective planning; provision of administrative and management control for maintenance of the system; quality control through regular inspection and continuous supervision of instruction services and provision of adequate financial support.

          Administration and organization of education and educational agencies have been described as the spring board to rapid education growth. This has a multiplier effect on the socio-economic, intellectual and skill development in any nation. Jibrin (2006) views process as a series of things that are done in order to achieve a particular result. Rabiu (2009) views process as a series of acts or changes proceeding from one to the next. In this context Due Process Compliance is a series of practices and procedures of obeying rules and regulation made by the Federal Inspectorate of Education.

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