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Workers are expected to portray good attitude to their customers both within and outside the organization. Attitude towards work has a great importance on organizational development, because of this; poor attitude has been and is still a source of concern to owners, regulators, customers and some co-workers. Consequently, in a professional work setting, poor attitude can affect everyone and cause conflicts among workers. In some instances poor attitude might be ignored by the majority of the workers and a good worker with a slight poor attitude does not affect the corporation (Abang and Wasilu, 2013). According to Carr, (1990) worker regardless of his discipline, have a moral attitude to play in an organization. Poor attitude to work might include laziness, rudeness, tardiness, rumour mongering or any other activity or behaviour that deter the overall organizational goals and objectives. Mack (2012) stated that if one worker begins complaining his discontent might spread to other workers. Hence poor attitude can have a detriment effect on work, causing workers to become apathetic and despondent which would resulted to occurrence of mistakes more often, and output would likely to be down. Most at times, group of workers can cause poor attitude to work by underlying for general discontent.

Furthermore, involvement of human beings in running the affairs of any formal corporation is of significant importance, many writers have highlighted that workers are one of the primary element aspect that promote organizational effectiveness. Many other factors may cause poor attitude to work such as external factors, work culture and machine condition. It is obvious that some organizations are faced with poor level of attitudes such as Erratic provision of services has become an increasing persistent problem facing the corporation and seriously affecting the general public, Careless and casual handling of the existing tools and machines and General nonchalant attitude of staff in the discharge of their duties. Poor attitude according to Aremu (2003) is a performance that is adjudge by the owners/customers and some other significant as fallen below an expected standard. Poor attitude of workers has been observed among employees in both public and private own entities. The poor attitude among workers has been and is still a source of concern to the owners, customers and members of the community as a whole. This is because of the great importance that workers have on the organizational development of any formal entity. All over the world there is unanimity of opinion about the fallen standard of workers attitude (Adebule 2004). Shareholders are in total agreement that their huge investment on organization is not yielding the desired dividend. Customers also complain of workers poor attitude at both within and outside the organizations. Aremu (2010) stressed that poor attitude is not only frustrating to the owners and the customers, its effects are equally grave on the society in terms of dearth of manpower in all spheres of the economy and politics. Attitude as a concept is all about individual way of thinking, acting and behaving. It has a very serious effect on work/employee performance. Positive attitude at work place is supposed to be the bedrock and foundation toward higher performance in established settings. It is an investment as well as resources that can be used to achieve a higher profit, good reputation and overall organizational goals. The role of worker attitude is to lay the foundation for further performance and if a good foundation is laid at worker level there are likely to be improvement at other level.

However different organizations at different times have passed the blame of poor attitude in organization to the workers, because of their low achievement, low motivation and the likes. DeSimione and Harris (1998) concurred that the possible influences on worker’s behavior are internal factors such as motivation, ability, attitude, knowledge and skills. Morakinyo (2003) stated that the fallen level of worker performance is attributable to owner’s non-use of supervisory strategies. Others found out that the attitude of some owners to their organization is reflected in their poor attendance to office, lateness, unsavory comments about worker’s performance that could damage their ego, poor method of on-job training and the likes affect worker’s performance. Organizations are faced with poor level of attitudes such as Erratic provision of services has become an increasing persistent problem facing the corporation and seriously affecting the general public, Careless and casual handling of the existing tools and machines and General nonchalant attitude of sta in the discharge of their duties.


For the past many decades, Nigerian Governments has recorded and experienced poor attitude from both public and private corporations. This sad experience took a mounting turn to nowadays. Government has done a lot in their effort to revive this culture but all was to no avail. There is a wide spread interest in improving the level of poor attitude to work in corporations. Apart from the economic benefits of better preparing workers for unprecedented demands of modern workplace, there are also social benefits tied to improving performance and access for larger number of workers to post-organizational learning, Training and Development opportunities and laying stronger foundation to skills for life-long learning. Attitudes are developed as a result of some kind of learning experiences, or Attitude can also be formed simply by adapting the example and opinion of co-employees, friends and managers. This is mimicry or imitation, which also has a vital to play in developing negative attitude at workplace.


1. Do civil servants have nonchalant attitude towards work? 2. To what extent do civil servants have nonchalant attitude towards work? 3. Are there any causes of the nonchalant attitude of civil servants towards work? 4. Can there be possible prevention and solutions to the causes of nonchalant attitude towards work?

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