This research work revealed the importance of Emergency Management System in Industries, establishment of high repute and more importantly in international outfits as MEIA cannot be overemphasized. It is not only to check excesses of risk situations, but also to conform to the global and modern safety standard and practices whereby computer system application is adopted to complement and enhance more effective safety measures and decision making. The use of computer system for this purpose has become vital in managing airport emergency units. The EMS is based on software sinterfaces provided by the Air Traffic Control System Package. They involve the use of the software package to create and maintain communication needs of the end-user and their organization. The package will also serve as a communication tool; ensure a prompt response to emergency incidents that are governed by emergency unit in airport. On the whole, an Emergency Management System is therefore essential to aid rapid and timely alerting of all necessary reporting agencies and individual to the emergency phase, serving as a tool capable of projecting the company as a reliable and efficient one.




1.0     Introduction

The field of Emergency Management is one of the most dynamic and challenging areas for managers. They dynamic face challenges of taking critical division on daily basis, and this; they must do without delay.

Recently, there have been significant practical developments in the field of Emergency Management, both in the private and public sector, the practice as bring sense of normalcy and control to problematic situations that confront an organization. The word “Emergency” could be defined as an unplanned event that can cause loss of lives and properties, discomfort to citizens, physical and environmental damage, and disrupt a lot of activities.

Emergency Management System has it that it is Organized analysis, planning, decision making, and assignment of available resources to mitigate, prepares for, respond to and recover from the effect of all hazards. Therefore, looking at the MARGARET EKPO International Airport (MEIA), as one of airport that needs to be saved from unnecessary disaster, it needs to be well equipped with relevant facilities such as EMS to avoid/prevent or manage any form of disaster, and it is going to draw strength from “Preparedness” (which is one of the phases of Emergency Management) as the major phase to be considered during implementation of this project.

1.1     Theoretical Background

In developing Emergency Management System the technologies used in this project are Visual Basic 6.0 and relational database technology. Visual Basic is 6.0 is a high level programming language which evolved from the earlier DOS version called BASIC: It is an acronym that stand for beginners all purpose symbolic instruction code it is a relatively easy programming language chosen for the development of the system. The Visual Basic 6.0 Language was chosen because it enables the creation of application with a graphical user interface, containing controls such as text fields, combo box, labels, command buttons etc.

Each code written in visual basic is always in between the private sub and the end sub. The syntax for writing visual basic code is object.

Property= new value

The code below was used to for the login page.

Private Sub Command1_Click()


If UCase(Dpw.Recordset.Fields(“Password”)) = UCase(Text1) Then

MsgBox “PASSWORD VALID, SYSTEM ACTIVATED!”, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, “”

Text1 = “”: Text1.SetFocus: ID.Visible = False: Menu.Visible = True


MsgBox “INVALID PASSWORD, Try Again!”, vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, “”

Text1 = “”: Text1.SetFocus

SendKeys “{Home}+{End}”

End If


End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

Text1 = “”: Text1.SetFocus

End Sub


Text1.text is the username textbox


Form depicts that if the username is valid then the form should display and if it does not then an error message should be display.


Diagrammatically as:

Figure 1.1 Password Screenshot

1.2     Statement of the Problems        

Accidents are not strange in Aerodrome/airfields in Nigerian airports, and the safety regulators of these airports have limitation in execution of their duties. Following the event of things in Margaret Ekpo International Airport, the emergency responders encounter some limitations which could be summarily put down as follow:

  1. Inability to source for the right information from the appropriate quarters to guide the emergency control agencies in making the right decisions promptly.
  2. Inadequate or insufficient emergency alert system to actuate time for emergency respond.
  3. Difficulties in reporting the cause of aerodrome accident through the conventional method of telephone calls.

 1.3     Aim/Objective of the study

The aim of this study is to design an emergency management system   (EMS). The following are the objectives:

  1. To generate request for information and alert before and during emergency
  2. To enable effective and efficient accident management through the integration of infrastructures and knowledge.
  3. To create a database for runway emergency management.

      1.4     Significance of the Study

The study of emergency management system is important because:

  1. It helps to provide prompt emergency information that can save thousands of peoples lives and properties as this involves aircraft with great number of passengers.
  2. The system provides better, cheaper, larger and steadier real-time emergency response to aerodrome disaster.
  3. The system would protect the environment and reduce economic losses and hazard.
  4. Besides, the system would convey useful, understandable, user-friendly and time efficient information that support effective decision making.
  5. The system provides a better, faster, cheaper, larger and steadier emergency response to emergency.

1.5     Scope of the Study

The scope of this study is to examine the existing emergency management to incidents and develop a system capable of enabling the humans make quickly and quality decisions during emergency situation in Margaret Ekpo International Airport Calabar.



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