Future Experiments to Measure Liquid-Gas Phase Change and Heat Transfer Phenomena on the International Space Station


The article presents the approach of the European Space Agency to promote research in weightlessness and in particular onboard the International Space Station. In order to maximize the return on investments, a strong international scientific collaboration is encouraged. These Science Teams support the preparation and utilisation of the flight hardware and exploit the measurement data. In the domain of physical sciences the topics dealt with at the time of writing the present paper cover fundamental physics, fluid physics, material sciences research and specific preparatory studies in anticipation of space exploration missions. The present article focuses on two-phase (liquid-gas phase change) heat transfer related experiments. These activities cover evaporation driven thermocapillary convection, pool- and flow boiling, evaporation and condensation of films together with wettability realted issues on both reference and structured surfaces, and heat pipe systems. Some hardware are in an advanced state of development, the feasibility of some was studied or is under definition at the time of the preparation of this paper. The objectives of the experiments are described together with their expected capabilities. Beyond the understanding of mostly fundamental physical processes, the data of all the described experiments are intended to be used to validate theoretical approaches and numerical tools, which are often developed by the Science Teams in parallel with the the flight hardware design activities of space industry.Â