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CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1     BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY Science has been extremely important on a global scale for long-term and socioeconomic growth, as well as for nation-state technical improvement. Because of the tremendous issues, knowledge in science and technology is required in all countries and required by all people worldwide. These challenges include, among other things, the emergence of new drug-resistant diseases, the effects of genetic experimentation and engineering, the ecological impact of modern technology, the dangers of nuclear war and explosions, and global warming, all of which have resulted in rapid changes in medicine, industry, communication, and agriculture. Thus  Science, as a development agent, plays a significant part in bringing about these changes via technical innovation, increased national prosperity, improved health, and industrialization (Validya, 2003). The emphasis on science teaching and learning is on ensuring that instructors can not only teach the method of science but also subject scientific concepts to the sensory experience of the learners. This means that learners’ ‘hands’ and’minds’ must be engaged in scientific activities so that they can actively learn and so participate in knowledge production. Essentially, the emphasis is on activity-based scientific lessons that incorporate both excellent classroom and laboratory methods. This approach to science teaching and learning in schools is intended to lead students to acquiring the necessary science process skills, life skills, and competence as enshrined in the revised edition of the (National Policy on Education (NPE) (FRN, 2013) National core curricular for Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics, among other subjects. However, instructional attempts to achieve the goals of NPE 2013, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGS), EFA, Science Education for All, NEEDS, and Vision 2020 confront significant hurdles. The employment of teacher-centered approaches to teaching, a lack of suitable and relevant instructional materials, inadequate classroom and laboratory and laboratory equipment, and other obstacles face scientific teaching and learning. So long as research is both a product and a process, the laboratory is at the heart of scientific investigations and/or science. The availability of laboratory equipment, facilities, and materials is critical in defining the level of optimal laboratory practices that will enable learners’ learning of science process skills and proficiency in science ideas. According to Abimbola (2001), one key challenge in scientific education is the availability and efficacy of specialized and appropriate science equipment, facilities, and teaching materials. School laboratories that are well-designed, well-stocked, and safe for scientific teaching and learning enable active practical activities (Katcha, 2005). Laboratory work is an essential component of science education, and no good science education can exist without it (Udo, 2010). Laboratory practicals are reliant on the laboratory’s degree of equipping with appropriate teaching resources and the teacher’s ability to use them successfully and efficiently. Due to the difficulties that instructors sometimes experience while conducting practicals in insufficiently equipped laboratories, teachers have separated scientific sessions into practical and theoretical lessons or classes, and/or shifted practical work until the second term of the final year (Ekpo, 1999). According to Ekpo, every attempt to divide science into practical and theoretical lessons perpetuates the dichotomy, which is the polar opposite of what science is therefore it becomes imperative that adequate provision and utilization of science laboratories is established in secondary education . 1.2     STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The persistent low level of scientific academic success among senior secondary school students in Nigeria’s numerous external examinations has piqued the interest of key players in education. Students’ performance in science has continually been weak and unsatisfactory. Despite all of the significant efforts made by stakeholders at all levels, there has been relatively little progress in student success. Data from the two public examination bodies, namely the West African Examination Council (WAEC) and the National Examination Council (NECO), in their assessment report on the SSCE, show that performance in Nigeria has been declining. According to available records, there was a negative trend in student performance in the three sciences subjects from 2008 to 2012, with average performances of 56.01 percent in Physics, 46.30 percent in Chemistry, and 37.27 percent in Biology, in addition to an increasing failure rate in Biology and Chemistry (Sakiyo and Badau, 2015). It was generally noticed that the performance of candidates in WASSCE in Nigeria in the topics and during the time studied was not particularly outstanding, with the exception of Government, where the majority of candidates in Nigeria obtained credits or above. The fundamental reason for this failure is that scientific learning and practice cannot be accomplished in an environment that does not place a focus on practical and hands-on activities in schools. Students are expected to engage in both theoretical and practical learning activities. However, because science is an activity-based topic, effective teaching and learning cannot take place unless it is supplemented by practical tasks. Practical activities must take up a larger proportion of the time allotted to science topics than the chalk and talk technique of teaching academic components. Owing to the importance of laboratory on effective learning of science,  the study therefore the impact of availability and utilization of laboratories on  science student academic performance. 1.3     OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The main objectives of this study is to find out the impact of availability and utilization of laboratories on  science student academic performance. Specifically the study intends to: i.          To explore science teachers’ perceptions on effects of availability or non-availability of laboratories on students’ performance. ii.        To find out the level at which  laboratory facilities are available  in secondary schools. iii.      To examine the level at which laboratories is being utilized in secondary schools. iv.      To analyze the effect of using laboratories on academic performance of students. 1.4     RESEARCH QUESTIONS

The research is guided by the following question constructed in line with the research objectives:

i.          What is the perception of  science teachers’ on effects of availability or non-availability of laboratories on students’ performance? ii.        What is the  level at which  laboratory facilities are available in secondary schools? iii.      What is  the level at which laboratories is being utilized in secondary schools? iv.      What is  the effect of using laboratories on academic performance of students?


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