Lazer e saúde, nos currículos dos cursos de graduação em Educação Física


The article analyses the contents in the curriculum of developed Physical Education undergraduate from public and private Institutions of learning in Sao Paulo State. The subject of leisure and recreation were studied in association with the subject of health. The methods used in this work integrated Bibliographic and Documental research. The material was studied using the technique of content analyses. The objectives proposed in the pedagogic project, in the class plan, in addition the summary of the contents, and the contents and the Bibliographic were considered “categories”. We observed that the topic health is not only studied via biologi – cal aspects, but also through a wider vision in three of the Institutions researched. We conclude that the relation between the topics health and leisure was justified in only two of the six In – stitutions. It showed be emphasize that these numbers were distributed equality in the first as well as in the second case, among the public and private Institutions.