Contents                                                                                                                     pages

Certification   –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –            i

Declaration     –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –            ii

Dedication      –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –            iii

Acknowledgement      –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –            iv

Abstract          –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –            –           vii

Table of Contents-      –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –            viii


  • Background of the Study –           –           –           –           –           1
  • Statement of the Problem – –           –           –           –           5
  • Objectives of the Study –           –           –           –           –           6
  • Research Questions –           –           –           –           –           –        7
  • Research Hypothesis –           –           –           –           –           –        8
  • Significance of the Study –           –           –           –           –           9
  • Scope of the Study            –           –           –           –           –           –        10
  • Limitation of the Study –           –           –           –           –           –        10
  • Definition of Terms –           –           –           –           –           –        11


   2.1   Defining Manpower Training and Development        –           14

2.2   The Civil Service        –           –           –           –           –           –           –            17

2.3   Structure of the Civil Service –           –           –           –           –           17

2.4   Area of Manpower Training and Development-         –           18

2.5   On-the-Job Training   –                       –           –           –           –           19

2.6   Professional Training              –           –           –           –           –           –            20

2.7   Human Relation Training –     –           –           –           –           –           21

2.8   The Need for Manpower Training and Development-           21

2.9   Aims and Objective of Manpower Training and Development –       –            –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           22

2.10   Steps Designing Manpower Development Program 24

2.11     Manpower Development Program     –           –           –           –           26

2.12     Effect of Training       –           –           –           –           –           –           –            28

2.12.1  Saving Time and Cost            –           –           –           –           –           29

2.12.2  Employee Satisfaction           –           –           –           –           –           29

2.12.3  Expectation and Needs           –           –           –           –           –           30

2.12.4  Turnover Costs                       –           –           –           –           –           –            31

2.12.5  Training Factors         –           –           –           –           –           –           31

2.13     Manpower Problems that can be Solved        –           –           –           32

2.14     Evaluation no Productivity in the Civil Service        –           –           33

2.15     Effect/conditions for promoting productivity in the civil service     –            –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –           35

2.16     Ministry of Agriculture          –           –           –           –           –           –            37

2.17     Effect of Agricultural Training          –           –           –           –           –            38

2.17.1 Positive/ Negative Effects       –           –           –           –           –           39


3.1       Introduction    –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –            42

3.2       Research Design         –           –           –           –           –           –           –            43

3.3       Source of Data            –           –           –           –           –           –           –            –           44

3.4  Population of Sample size           –           –           –           –           –           44

3.5 Limitation of Research Methodology      –           –           –           –           48

3.6       Method of Data Collection-   –           –           –           –           –           49

3.7       Instrument of Data Collection            –           –           –           –           –            51

3.8       Validation of Data Instrument           –           –           –           –           –            51


4.0       Introduction    –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –            53

4.1       Analysis of Data –       –           –           –           –           –           –           –            54

4.2       Analysis of Some Respond to the Questionnaire –    –           57

4.3       Testing of Hypothesis –           –           –           –           –           –           64



5.1       Summary of Finding   –           –           –           –           –           –           69

5.2       Concision        –           –           –           –           –           –           –           –            –           71

5.3       recommendations       –           –           –           –           –           –           74





 1.1 Background of the Study

Given the increasing volatile and complex socio-economic structure of our business organization in Nigeria, two basic factors are crucial for business success. Capital and human resources. Capital whether acquired through loans or from private sources, is by far easier to manage; control only when there is qualities and quality human resources organization whether public or private are prone to jeopardy when there is no adequate human resource.

It is from the forgoing premise that the compelling need arises for manpower training and development as a since –qua-non for enhanced productivity. Considering the fact that available human or manpower organizations in Nigeria have not been properly managed nor do the available human resources manage adequately. This calls for strategic way for improving human resource or manpower and its utilization to improving our economy. When organizations are properly managed and are not productive, the economy of the country will be badly affected.

That is why contemporary thoughts on national development and growth emphasize the need for the training and retraining of the human resources and economic independence of the national. The objectivity of this assertion becomes apparent when viewed against the background of the study.

Damages wrecked on the socio-political and economic structure and integrity of most independent developing nations by foreign interest acting under pretension of assisting them in their development efforts.

The realization of complete independence is therefore a function of and effective development strategies and efficient utilization of a country’s potentials studies shows that most countries are blessed with abundant natural resources. They lack the basic technology for transforming and maximizing the benefits of these natural endowments resulting from the number development of the human potentials.

Since Nigeria gained her independence in 1960, we have been faced with the challenge of providing adequate and effective manpower need for the management of our economic resources.

Our inability to provide for the necessary manpower needs results in the inefficient and under utilization of the abundant economic resources. Most organization in Nigeria is so much concerned with the profits maximization that they ignore the need for training their workers. They consider the money they will spend on their training programme as waste rather than an investment. They fail to foresee the desirability of continuous retaining and development of their worker in order to promote the efficiency and effectiveness of their organization. Consequently instead of growth, the business rather fails and much capital wasted.

Commenting on the general poor development of the Nigeria workers, W.R. Haires (?) Observed that the Nigeria workers are under used, under employed, frustrated and preventive from bringing their talents to bear on the well –being of their employers, organization and the nation at large. Manpower development is a dynamic process, in other words, it is a response to change on the beliefs, attitudes and behavior of individuals so that they can better adopt new techniques and challenges.

It is in recognition of the need for the training and development of the human potentials and resources of employees as a means of achieving organizational objectives and goals with efficiently and effectiveness, that ministry of Agriculture, Uyo established a training policy for her employee. In pursuance of this noble objective of manpower training and development by the organization, a lost of difficulties arise which affected the success of the programme. This research work is therefore directed toward an evaluation of the manpower training and development programme of the corporation with a view to identifying problem areas (where any) and making suggestions on ways of achieving greater successes in their manpower development efforts.

1.2       Statement of the Problem

`           The level of inefficiency among all categories of employees in public and private sector has manifested itself in the inability of these sectors to fulfill the objectives which they were established.

This is as a result of an employee skills not updated and developed to be fit into the organizations demand after being recruited and inducted. The need for  this training and developing the employee not only arises from the fact that he might not fit in the job but also will not able to adapt to the effect of the dynamic nature of the society influenced by changes in the field of science and technology.

Actually many organizations have over the years established good manpower training and development programmes in order to incite better employee performance at work and increased productivity. Unfortunately these development programmes have not always been easy to attain its objectives in most of the organization because of forces that impede the achievement of these objectives. Some of the impeding forces include selections or recruitment problems, training procedure and inadequate facilities, government policy, the economy and labour legislation.

On the basis of the above background this research study sets out to find out whether man power training and development has positively enhance productivity in the organization or not.

 1.3  Objective of the Study

The purposes of this research study were as follow:

  1. To identity the manpower training and development programme of ministry of Agriculture Uyo
  2. To determine the impact of this programme on workers performance.
  3. To identity the problem which negatively affect the successful implementation of the programme and achievement of the desires result
  4. To make recommendation on way of ensuring greater successes in future.

1.4       Research Question

The following research question would be necessary to make this research a success.

  1. Is there any programme of manpower training and development in Akwa Ibom?
  2. Do ministry of Agriculture, Uyo attach importance
  3. Has manpower development and training helped the civil service in meeting the challenges of the complex nature of modern business activities?
  4. Has manpower training and development helped the civil service in getting equipped to handle the increasing complexity in their managerial activities?
  5. Is there any significant impact of manpower development and training in efficient management of ministry of Agriculture, Uyo

 1.5   Research Hypothesis

            The following research hypotheses were used for this study.

Where Ho: stands for null hypothesis

Hi: stands for alternative hypothesis

  1. Ho: There is no significant impact of manpower development in efficient management of organizations.

Hi: There is a significant impact of manpower training and development in efficient management of organizations.

  1. Ho: There is no improvement of manpower training and development in efficient management of organizations.

Hi: There is an improvement of manpower training and development in efficient management of organization.

 1.6  Significance of the Study

This is also known as the importance of the study. It includes the following:

As noted earlier in this research the important vole of manpower training and development in achieving organizational goal. The researcher also noted the problem of lack of well-developed, specialized and dynamic management that will be capable of harnessing the development.

The significant of this study therefore in it’s potentiality in serving as reference material to other researchers who way wants to conduct same or similar research.

It will also be of immense benefit particularly in the organizers and executors of manpower development and training programmes in ministry of Agriculture, uyo.

This research will also discuss various manpower developments and training related issued and suggests way that can be adopted to solve manpower training and development problems.

1.7 Scope of the Study

The scope deals with the extent of coverage of the research therefore this study (research) is concerned with the effects of manpower training and development on the productivity of Akwa Ibom State civil service. The nature of the research study required visit to different organization but in order to enhance objective approach to the study, the study was narrowed to ministry of Agriculture, Uyo.

 1.8 Limitation of the Study

Limitations of the study are those constraints the researcher faced in the course of carrying out this study. In carrying out this research, some basis problems were uncounted which to an extent influenced the indebtedness of the research primary among this problems include:

  1. TIME CONSTRAINT: a study of this nature requires a period of at list one year but in this case it was conducted in less than six mouths, hence, the researcher found it difficult to research more as expected.
  2. FINANCE: work of this nature requires finances for assembling of materials used for study, but due to limited resources that are easily accessible investigation demanded and made it difficult to compare facts.
  3. LACK OF STATISTICAL DATA: some of the information sought for are either totally unavailable or can not be released to the public, despite all these short comings, much effort was indeed made to ensure that these problem does not outweigh the desire ability or need to carryout a sound research.




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