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Multiletramentos e argumentação em um ambiente online: expandindo o ensino de inglês na universidade

This thesis derives from a pilot project implemented in the sixth period of the Letras Ingles (Lic) course (2015.1) at UFPE. The aim of the project was to provide students with the opportunity to develop contents of multiliteracies and argumentation in the English language through an online component, culminating in the production of a multimodal essay. Based on this material, we posed the following research question: Can an online component based on the Multiliteracies Pedagogy and Argumentation contribute to the expansion of literacy practices and argumentation in English language at the university? If so, how? If not, why? Our general objective in this work was to analyze this pedagogical proposal that allied multiliteracies and argumentation. Specifically, we investigated how the argumentation was used to expand knowledge through the analysis of the tasks proposed in the component, followed by the responses of two focal students; we also analyzed the development of the argumentative strategies used by these students in the production of a multimodal essay. This research is located in the field of Applied Linguistics and is based mainly on two theoretical pillars, the Pedagogy of Multiliteracies (NEW LONDON GROUP, 1996/2000) and the Argumentation studies (LEITAO, 2007, 2011 a, 2011 b; LEITAO; DAMIANOVIC, 2011; LIBERALI, 2013). The Multiliteracies studies aim to contribute to the production of new designs considering elements of multiculturalism and multimodality. The argumentation studies on which we rely are based on a collaborative argumentation (LIBERALI, 2013), which focuses on learning to argue, as well as arguing for learning. In methodological terms this is a qualitative study inserted in the framework of the Collaborative Critical Research – CCR (MAGALHAES, 2012). The research developed at PCCOL aims to produce collective activities that can lead the participants to reflect on the rules, concepts and different theories available for practices in educational contexts. The corpus selected for analysis consists of the three units of the online component, each with four tasks, the last one being the production of a multimodal essay; and the responses of the two focal students. The results indicate that a pedagogical proposal that unites multiliteracies and argumentation can contribute to the expansion of the teaching of English in the university. 

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