NASA micro-aero-adaptive control


A summary of current research topics in active flow control at NASA Langley Research Center is presented. These topics are predominantly part of the Morphing Project, but closely related research topics form other projects are also included. A multi-disciplinary approach to technology development is being attempted that includes researchers from the more historical disciplines of fluid mechanics, acoustics, material science, structural mechanics, and control theory. The overall goals of the topics presented are focused on advancing the state of knowledge and understanding of controllable fundamental mechanisms in fluids rather than on specific engineering problems. The term micro used in the title indicates that the topics discussed are problems where a small, low-cost fluidic or shape-change input can create a large controllable output though the use of unsteady and nonlinear aerodynamics at receptive sties. Accompanying these fluid mechanics problems is the associated research in innovative actuators, sensors and control strategies including the development of design tools and system integration aids. The products of this research are to be demonstrated either in bench-top experiments, wind-tunnel tests, or in flight as part of the fundamental NASA R&D program and then transferred to more applied research programs within NASA, DOD< and U.S. industry.Â