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On tapir ecology, evolution and conservation: what we know and future perspectives-part I.

This Integrative Zoology special issue on tapirs is an outgrowth of the enthusiasm and diverse interests of the IUCN/SSC Tapir Specialist Group (TSG) that met in Mexico in 2008. The goal of the TSG was to present the current state of tapir research and conservation, and inspire the next generation of scientists to appreciate all aspects of the biology of this important and endangered mammal. The recent TSG meeting in Malaysia in 2011, and the synergy with new members of the Specialist Group, breathed new life into the project. There is no doubt that using Integrative Zoology as our scientific platform was appropriate for the diverse group of investigators and topics, and representative of the integrated approach that the TSG has fostered for understanding tapir biology and promoting their conservation. We were overwhelmed by the large number of manuscripts received, so we decided to split the special issue in 2 full issues of Integrative Zoology.

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