Optimal Dimensional Synthesis of Rhombus Path Generating Adjustable Four-Bar Mechanism



Precise and continuous generation of rhombus path by adjustable four-bar mechanism is investigated and confirmed using Reconstructed Adjustable Parameter Curve (RAPC) technique. RAPC method is able to extract adjustable parameter value of intermediary path points along the path generation profile corresponding to uniformly incremented crank angle values. Harmonic Spacing (HS) algorithm is used to improve the precision points spacing along the perimeter of intended rhombus path. Optimal dimensional synthesis of adjustable four-bar mechanism makes use of these precision points. Simulation of motion of adjustable four-bar mechanism to generate profile path of rhombus is carried out to verify the dimensional synthesis of the linkage. Optimization combining Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Pattern Search (PS) is implemented to synthesize rhombus path generating mechanism. Results show the achievement of precise and continuous path generation with high accuracy for the selected rhombus path profile.