Pulp Fibers for Papermaking and Cellulose Dissolution


Pulp fibers are extracted from biomass worldwide and extensively utilized for production of paper and as a raw material for products of dissolved cellulose. Different paper grades require diverse fiber properties that are achieved by a proper combination of fiber separation and functionalization methods. Dissolved cellulose can be functionalized to derivatives or regenerated to materials. The research, development, and innovation activities in the utilization of fibers are a constant activity of EPNOE partners, and it is present in several collaborative projects in the network. In this chapter, we describe how pulp fibers are separated from plants and further functionalized to be used in paper products or cellulose dissolution. Challenges and opportunities in research, development, and innovation are also discussed in combination with needs and trends of education of professionals in the topic of bio-based materials. Our main conclusion is that the forest-based industry will need intensive research and innovation activities based on multidisciplinary approach to create applications in different value chains of large commercial interest. Strategic partnership with chemical, energy, and food sectors are crucial for the pulp and paper industry in creating new markets and benefiting of the knowledge-based economy.