Student Views on Using Smart Boards in Turkish Education.


One of the greatest opportunities for technological developments in the field of education is computer aided smart boards. Our country has adapted to these technological developments and initiated the smart board applications with FATIH Project which is one of the few projects of its size of the world. The aim of this research is to reveal the contribution of smart boards -which are the most important elements of the FATIH project- to Turkish education, their effects on student motivation, and also their negative aspects by taking the views and opinions of students who are directly involved in the project. The sample of the research consists of 600 students studying in Yakutiye, Palandoken and Aziziye districts of Erzurum province in the Fall semester of 2017-2018 academic year. Based on the results of the research, it was found that thanks to using smart boards in Turkish education lessons, the students understood Turkish better, learned the course subjects easily, were more successful in Turkish, the visual and audio materials used in smart board applications were beneficial in better understanding the topic, students had the opportunity to learn the topics from more and various sources, smart boards made the lessons fun and enjoyable, increased interest for the lessons, students liked using the smart boards, smart boards had positive effects on learning and student motivation; whereas some negative opinions were also found that some students had difficulties using smart boards, frequent malfunctions in the smart boards caused a loss of time in lessons, students were not willing to prepare homework that included the use of smart boards, visual quality of the boards was low, and smart boards made the students more lazy.