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The distance education in teaching and nursing practice: integrative review

Objective: to identify the scientific evidence on the applicability of educational media in education and nursing practice in Brazil. Method: integrative review to answer the question << What are the scientific evidence on current trends in the applicability of educational media in teaching and practice of Brazilian nursing? >> A search of the scientific production from 2006 to 2014 in the databases LILACS, MEDLINE and SciELO library, was conducted, using the descriptors Distance Education, Nursing Education, Technology, Educational Technology and Information Technology. Results: the applicability used in distance education are media, hypermedia and educational software, online courses, virtual learning environment/Moodle, integrative teaching methodology, navigation training and handling of used platform and presence of active teacher-tutor. Conclusion: distance nursing education should be widely developed, using strategies and varied educational and scientifically informed requirements, aimed at enhancing the process of knowledge construction, currently indispensable. Descriptors: Distance Education; Nursing Education; Technology; Educational Technology; Information Technology. RESUMO Objetivo: identificar as evidências científicas sobre a aplicabilidade de mídias educativas no ensino e na prática da Enfermagem no Brasil. Método: revisão Integrativa com vistas a responder a questão << Quais as evidências científicas sobre as tendências atuais na aplicabilidade de mídias educativas no ensino e na prática da Enfermagem brasileira? >> Realizou-se busca da produção científica, entre 2006 e 2014, nas bases de dados LILACS, MEDLINE e biblioteca SciELO, empregando os descritores Educação a Distância, Educação em Enfermagem, Tecnologia, Tecnologia Educacional e Tecnologia da Informação. Resultados: diversas são as aplicabilidades utilizadas em EaD, como: mídias, hipermídias e softwares educativos, cursos on-line, ambiente virtual de aprendizagem/plataforma Moodle, metodologia de ensino integrativa, treinamento de navegação e manuseio da plataforma utilizada e presença de professor-tutor ativo. Conclusão: o ensino da enfermagem a distância deve ser amplamente elaborado, fazendo uso de estratégias e exigências educacionais variadas e embasadas cientificamente, que visem potencializar o processo de construção do conhecimento, indispensáveis atualmente. Descritores: Educação a Distância; Educação em Enfermagem; Tecnologia; Tecnologia Educacional; Tecnologia da Informação. RESUMEN Objetivo: identificar las evidencias científicas sobre la aplicabilidad de medias educativas en la enseñanza y en la práctica da enfermería en Brasil. Método: revisión Integradora para responder a la pregunta << ¿Cuáles son las evidencias científicas sobre las tendencias actuales en la aplicabilidad de medias educativas en la enseñanza y en la práctica de la enfermería brasileña? >> Se realizaron búsquedas de la producción científica, entre 2006 a 2014, en las bases de datos LILACS, MEDLINE y biblioteca SciELO, empleando los descriptores Educación a Distancia, Educación en Enfermería, Tecnología, Tecnología Educacional y Tecnología de la Información. Resultados: diversas son las aplicabilidades utilizadas en EAD, como: medias, hipermedias y softwares educativos, cursos online, ambiente virtual de aprendizaje/plataforma Moodle, metodología de enseñanza integradora, entrenamiento de navegación y manoseo de la plataforma utilizada y presencia de profesor-tutor activo. Conclusión: la enseñanza de la enfermería a distancia debe ser ampliamente elaborada, usando estrategias y exigencias educacionales variadas y basadas científicamente, que potencialicen el proceso de construcción del conocimiento, indispensables actualmente. Descriptores: Educación a Distancia; Educación en Enfermería; Tecnología; Tecnología Educacional; Tecnología de la Información. Nurse, Master degree student in Nursing, University Hospital of Brasília(HUB), University of Brasília(UnB). Brasília (DF), Brazil. E-mail:; Nurse, Master degree student in Nursing, Graduate Program in Nursing, University of Brasília(UnB). Brasília (DF), Brazil. E-mail:; Physiotherapist, Specialist in Neutrofunctional Physiotherapy, Special Student, Graudate Program in Health Science, University of Brasília(UnB). Brasília (DF), Brazil. E-mail:; Nurse, Master degree student in Nursing, University Hospital Brasília(HUB), University of Brasília(UnB), Brasília (DF), Brazil, E-mail:; Nurse, Master degreestudent in Nursing, University of Brasília(UnB). Brasília (DF), Brazil. E-mail:; Physical Educator, Ph.D. in Health Science, University of Brasília(UnB). Brasília (DF), Brazil, E-mail: INTEGRATIVE REVIEW ARTICLE Matos JC, Lima RRS, Nakata CRG et al. The distance education in teaching and nursing… English/Portuguese J Nurs UFPE on line., Recife,, 10(7):2656-68, July., 2016 2657 ISSN: 1981-8963 DOI: 10.5205/reuol.9106-80230-1-SM1007201645 With the aim of offering development possibilities and professional progress, Distance Education (EAD) has progressed efficiently from the early twentieth century, being able to provide all levels of education, formal and informal programs, easier access to the different professions within the framework of continued and permanent education. The creation of the Open University of London in 1970 contributed in an indispensable way to the progression of technological development of methods and materials that would shape the EAD and would base the use of different media in education processes. Later, the emergence of the National University of Distance Education (UNED) in 1972 in Madrid was considered one of the great victories of initiatives and as an example to be followed by other countries. Even before its continued progress, EAD also has some weaknesses that have been little discussed in depth for its real optimization. As a result of its complexity, there is a need to integrate in a systemic way, quality references of pedagogical aspects, human resources and infrastructure of this model. Thus, the educational project of a distance learning course should emphasize the appropriateness of the course curriculum to its goals, the methodology, the aesthetic presentation of teaching platform, the updated material, forms of mentoring, communication and evaluation. The constant state of evolution of technological tools in distance learning, as well as globalization and the growth of the roles of professions, has required increasingly to educational institutions discuss the concepts relevant to distance education modality, such as time, distance education, education, meeting the demands of the labor market and the speed of its growth. Technological advances should enable the integration of different forms of media offering students varieties within the learning process so that they effectively and efficiently meets the multiple forms of learning. Most EAD students are adults. Thus, it is extremely important to understanding how this audience learns. Andragogy, dealing with the study and the discovery of a way to assist the adults in their learning, valuing their experiences and removing them hotspots that will serve as a basis for the development of a process aimed at the optimization of learning, it is essential for the construction of distance education. The different communication tools available to stimulate the critical autonomy of the students as a way of learning and content have been discussed by the academic community, since the use of these tools has proven optimizer and enriching the educational process, favoring creativity, flexibility, critical thinking and the construction of collaborative learning networks. The media available and new teaching strategies such as EAD have generated greater autonomy to the students. The traditional model of one-way communication allowing only the transmission of the sender ́s message to the receiver via a single media, has been replaced by the cyclical and dynamic communicative and pedagogical model that favors communication dynamically, as it allows both the sender and the receiver to switch roles constantly, encouraging twoway communication through media that allow the “coming and going” message, enabling the knowledge construction process. Educational processes in distance education have been articulated through the virtual learning environments (VLE) allowing students better accessing the information through the Health Information and Communication Technologies (TICS). It is known that the use of these tools has been widely implemented in distance courses in health and especially in Nursing, allowing the development of new products and services that have influenced the decision process of the interventions of health professionals through the continued and permanent education. However, it is necessary to establish criteria to assess strengths and weaknesses as the use of TICS and the VLE and its use together given the students. ● To identify the scientific evidence on the applicability of educational media in education and Nursing practice in Brazil.

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