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The Effect of Covid-19 Pandemic on Business Systems’ Innovation and Entrepreneurship and How to Cope with It: A Theatrical View


This study investigates the issue of coronavirus effects on business intelligence systems regarding business innovation and entrepreneurship. Even though the Covid-19 pandemic has become the most significant crisis in the modern world and has negatively influenced numerous life spheres and business activities, it is possible to mention a few positive effects that might be used by different business organizations. Thus, the paper analyzes the relevant literature and shows that many positive ones follow short-term negative effects. The used the literature review approach to review many studies to answer the study questions and support its claims mentioned previously. The findings reveal that the coronavirus stimulates individuals and businesses to mobilize their efforts to overcome the existing Covid-19 pandemic challenge in the spheres of business innovation and entrepreneurship. The present paper also mentioned a set of advices related to how to cope with dealing with such a pandemic and mentioned a set of practical and theoretical implications for businesses in the near future.

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