The history of co-operative movement records many cases of individuals and communities being socially rehabilitated through co-operatives.  The co-operative movement through the methods it employs and qualities from its members, free individual not only from users and profiteers but also from individual attitudes and social customs, which are obstructive to progress, and teaches the virtues of honesty, loyalty, and punctuality and stick respect for engagements.

Active participation in co-operative affairs, people become aware of their individual and social responsibility, their gain self-respect and self-reliance and learns how to trust their fellow co-operators.  Without which a meaningful economic and social transformation of individual members and communities are impossible.  Co-operative and encouraged to do things for themselves relying on their own efforts and not let others do things that they themselves could under take satisfactorily.  This give them a feeling of responsibility and achievement in individuals by realizing their ability to achieve success in economic undertakings are generally stimulated to become alert to achieve success in economic under-taking and generally stimulated to become alert to achieve civil responsibility and to participate more actively in public affairs.

Co-operatives also prove to be Gecetteut training ground for democracy members actively involved in co-operative affairs is constantly leaving the methods of reaching decisions democratically.  Co-operative practice like majority vote, delegation of authority to responsible officers, observance of rules agreed upon by the group proper respect for the rights of individuals and one’s duties towards collective welfare teach people in real situation in the way they understand best.  In some developing countries, the co-operative movement has had a sizable influence on the political development of the leaders.

A good co-operative is a continuous source of education.  Credit co-operative promote habit of thrift and teach the proper use of money by joining the consumer co-operative people learn about the true value and people to live with, in one means, marketing co-operative inform producers of the member also learn about business operation in form of balance sheet, operating statement and business practices involving roles as Administrators, Manager, Secretaries, treasurer and so on.

The principle of equality mutual aid and social justice, underlying the co-operative political views tend to minimize difference and make people realize that human needs and aspirations are similar regardless of difference in race, colour, social tensions and help people to find common ground on which they can work together.


1.         The first is to review and examine some of the policies of government towards the development of co-operative organisation.

2.         To analyze if impact on the members of the co-operative societies are one hand and the government itself on the other.

3.         To proper solutions and recommendation to the department of co-operative organisation in local government and Nigeria as a whole.

4.         To Unearth or uncover (if any) laps in the policy implementation of the policies governing co-operative societies with a view to redressing the policies.

5.         Lastly, to see the impact this co-operative has made towards the transformation of the normal development of the Green area and finally to suggest ways and means through which the policies can restructure the movement and give maximum benefit to the development of Nation and Awka North Local government in particular.

1.2                                           PURPOSE OF STUDY

The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of government policies towards the development of co-operative societies in Awka North Local government.  Researcher would also like to make possible recommendation to encourage the department efficiency in the implementation and man against of co-operative policies in Awka North Local government of Anambra State so that it enhance even development of co-operative organisation in the area.


The problem with which this study attempts to grade is to find out the effect of government co-operative policies on co-operatives societies in Nigeria.

This study is informed by the fact that co-operative societies seldom confirm to the ideals of the policies especially in the process of operation.

Similarly the study as hypothesis with in a great extent measures the effect of the policies vis-à-vis, the improvement in the standard of living of the co-operative.

Most of the co-operative problems as identified include in effective implementation of government policies by the government agent rested with the responsibility of implementing co-operative policies, the department of co-operative societies with out proper tools to handle co-operative matters effectively.  The low level education of members and the officials of government department of co-operative, lack of patronage on the part of members to their societies, then the attitudes of people generally towards joining societies.

1.4                                                       HYPOTHESES

Lack of well guidance and low level of education cannot hamper the development of co-operative organisation in Awka North Local government area.

The more people participate in the co-operative movement the more unlikely they will help to improve their standard of living.

1.5                                           THE SCOPE OF THE STUDY

In Nigeria today, there are more than one thousand (1000) different types of co-operative societies.  Likewise in Anambra State, the topic of the research is the effect of Federal government policies toward the development of co-operative societies/organisation in Awka North Local Government Area.

The study is restricted to the area alone due to time factor and for reasons, or peering and economy.  Consequently, the number of the respondents chosen was restricted for the same reason.

However, what ever is the out come of the study, it will hope to grapple at current problems effecting co-operative societies, with a view to generalizing it.  This will be after further researches are conducted.