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Members of the public participate in different ways in different kinds of art. Some events invite the public participation and others allow modest clapping and criticism and reception. Media audiences are studied by academics in media audience studies. Audience theory offers scholarly insight to the public in general, and the insight shapes our knowledge of just how public affects and is affected by different forms of arts. The biggest forms are the mass media. films along with  video games etc take a huge impact from the public along with their reviews and recommendations.

According to Jeff (2006:22) is of the view that, public perception can never be avoided in terms of whatever is being presented to the public. The public is usually made up of different individuals and groups. Now it has expanded into not just movies, screen or television but to application of various devices. Some more advanced public participation and one of the most well knows examples of popular public participation is the motion picture and music.

According to Curley (2006) a particular public that is composed of individuals who are face-to-face subjects with a speaker and a speaker’s rhetorical text or speech. this types of public directly listens to engage with, and immediate fashion. In measuring immediate public perception and feedback audience measurement, one can depend on personal interviews; applause and verbal comment made during and after a rhetorical speech.

In contrast  to immediate audiences, mediate public are composed of  individuals who consume rhetorical texts in a manger that is different from the time or place in which the speaker presents a text. Public who consume texts or speech through television, radio and internet are considered mediated  audience, a because those mediums separate the rhetor and the public.

Understanding the size and composition of mediated consumers can be difficult because mediums such as television, radio and internet etc can displace the public form the time and circumstances of rhetorical text or speech. In measuring mediated public reception and feedback, consumer’s measure4ment can depend on opinion polls and rating as well as comments and forums that may be featured on a website.

The public are consumers that are imagined for the purpose of helping the speaker or writer compose information to be disseminated across. The universal consumers are an imagined audience that serves as an ethical and argumentative test for the rhetor. It requires the speaker or the writer composing a flier to imagine a composite public that contains individuals from diverse backgrounds and to discern whether or not the contents of the rhetorical text, flier or speech would appeal to individuals within that audience. Scholars Perelman and Oebrechtsty Teca (2007) ascertain that the contents addressed to a universal public must convince the reader the reason of a compelling character, that they are self-evident, and posses an absolute and timeless validity. the concept of universal public has received criticism for being  idealistic because it can be considered as an impediment in achieving persuasive effect  with a particular reader.


There have been issues about religious fliers distributed to residents of Uyo Metropolis. Such include discrimination and misinterpretation of those religious fliers sent to individuals. As a result of these misgivings, the issue is: How does the public in uyo metropolis generally perceive religious fliers?


The objectives of the study to:

  1. find out Uyo residents perception of religious fliers;
  2. how Uyo residents respond to religious fliers;
  3. ascertain which aspect of the fliers design, colour graphics, lettering etc appeal most to the public
  4. find out the rate of communicativeness of religious fliers in uyo metropolis.


Based on the objectives of the study, the research questions formulated are:

  1. What are the residents perceptions of religious fliers?
  2. How do Uyo residents respond to religious fliers?
  3. Which aspect of the fliers design colour, graphics, lettering etc appeal most to the public?
  4. How communicative are religious fliers in uyo metropolis?
    • Significant of the Study

As communicators, this project research seeks to explain more on public manifestation of ideas and perception. The study is significant to media experts, therefore at the end of the research students of communication shall be the best beneficiaries of it.


1.6    Scope of the Study

This scope of this research work is on uyo residents perception of religious fliers, in relation to how Uyo residents response to religious fliers, public perception of religious fliers, ascertain which aspect of the flier’s design, colour graphics, lettering etc appeal most to the public and the rate  of communicativeness of religious fliers in Uyo metropolis.




1.7   Limitation of the Study

During the cause of carrying out the research, the researcher encountered certain constraints such as; the time given to conduct the research, the cost involve and the difficulties to retrieving questionnaire from respondents.


1.8   Definition of Terms

The following terms are operationally defined

Resident: Residents are groups of people residing in Uyo metropolis.

        Perception: Perception is how the residents of Uyo   understand religious fliers

        Religious: Religious are devoted Christian of different       denomination who beliefs in God and works according to         God’s teachings.

        Fliers: Fliers are those papers that are distributed by religious people or church ion general, to the public or people as a     means of invitation to their church programme sor services.


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