This study analyzed farmers’ perception of the innovation system in oil palm production in the South-east, Nigeria. The study specifically examined key actors in the innovation system, assessed the farmers’ perceived roles of each actor, the level of linkages between and among the key actors; investigated the adoption of various oil palm innovations, among other, Data were collected using structured questionnaire from 300 oil palm farmers. Descriptive and inferential statistical tools such as frequency, percentages, mean and standard deviation, Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression model and Analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used for analyses. Results revealed that the innovation system was dominated by oil palm consumers (30%). Research was perceived as the most active actor in the innovation system ( = 4.4; SD = 1.2). The actors maintained strong linkage with one another by collaborating in deciding areas of research ( = 2.9; SD = 1.3). The use of improved seedlings recorded the highest adoption score ( = 4.6; SD = 0.8). Results further showed that affordability, accessibility, usefulness, credibility and simplicity were the major attributes promoting farmers’ adoption of improved seedlings, line spacing, weeding/use of herbicides, mulching, pests and disease control measures, fertilizer application methods and improved harvesting methods in their oil palm production. Radio was the major source of information for majority (83.3%) of the farmers. The oil palm innovation system was perceived to have impacted mostly employment generation ( = 4.1; SD = 1.5). Unavailability of inputs ( = 4.0; SD = 1.0) and inadequate finance ( = 4.0; SD = 0.9) were the most perceived constraining factors to the oil palm innovation system. The socio-economic characteristics of the farmers had a significant relationship (R2 = 0.65) with the level of adoption of the oil palm production technologies. Farmers in the 3 States of the South-east did not differ in their perception of the effects of effective utilization of the actors in oil palm innovation system (F-cal = 2.961; F-tab =2.42, P = 0.30 > 0.05). Farmers in the oil palm innovation system in the three States differed significantly in the perceived roles of the actors towards generating improved technologies (F-cal = 1.99; F-tab = 2.05, P = 0.006 < 0.05). The study concludes that synergy among the actors is imperative for effectiveness in the oil palm innovation system in South-east Nigeria and therefore recommends that marketing information system should be made an integral component of extension service delivery. Oil palm technologies should also be developed in line with identified attributes considered appropriate by the farmers.

Keywords: oil palm, innovation system, actors, extension, agricultural technology, South-east



Title page                                                                                                                       i

Certification                                                                                                                   ii

Dedication                                                                                                                      iii

Acknowledgement                                                                                                         iv

Abstract                                                                                                                         v

Table of contents                                                                                                           vi

List of tables                                                                                                                  x

List of figures                                                                                                                xii


1.1      Background to the study                                                                                      1

1.2      Statement of the problem                                                                                     7

1.3      Objectives of the study                                                                                        12

1.4      Hypotheses of the study                                                                                      12

1.5       Significance of the study                                                                                              13 1.6   Scope of the study                                                                                                          14



2.1      Origin, Nature and Composition of Oil Palm                                                       16

2.1.1   Origin and nature of the oil palm                                                                          16

2.1.2  Composition of fresh ripe fruit and mesocarp                                                       16

2.2      Oil pam climatic and soil requirements                                                                19

2.3      The role of oil palm in the economy of Nigeria                                                    20

2.4      Expansion and exploitation of oil palm potentials to promote Nigerian

economy                                                                                                            22

2.5      Ways of developing oil palm industry in Nigeria                                                 22

2.6   Innovation diffusion and adoption                                                                           28

2.6.1    Innovation                                                                                                         28

2.6.2    Innovation diffusion                                                                                           30

2.6.3   The concept of adoption                                                                                        31

2.6.4   Variables that determine the rate of innovation adoption                                       32

2.6.5   Innovation adoption processes                                                                             34

2.6.6   Innovation characteristics that affect adoption                                                       35

2.6.7    Innovation adoption curve                                                                                  36

2.6.8 Some critical reflections and shortcomings in innovation diffusion

and adoption                                                                                                       39

2.7      Agricultural innovation system                                                                            41

2.7.1   Actors of an innovation system                                                                            42

2.7.2   Components of an agricultural innovation system                                                44

2.7.3   Media communication channels used in innovation system                                   48

2.8      Agricultural research and technology generation                                                  52

2.8.1   Development of agricultural research                                                                  52

2.8.2   Agricultural research and technology generating system in Nigeria                      54

2.9      Agricultural extension systems                                                                            57

2.9.1  Extension linkage                                                                                                 57

2.9.2   Research- extension- farmer linkage                                                                    58

2.10    Theoretical framework                                                                                        60

2.10.1 A linear and “top-down” model of innovation                                                      60

2.10.2 Innovation diffusion theory                                                                                  62

2.11    Conceptual framework                                                                                        63



3.1      Area of the study                                                                                                 66

3.2      Sample and sampling                                                                                          68

3.3.1 Method of data collection                                                                                      68

3.4      Standardization of research instrument                                                                  68

3.4.1   Estimating validity of instrument                                                                         68

3.4.2    Estimating reliability                                                                                            69

3.5      Method of data analysis                                                                                        69

3.6      Limitations of the study                                                                                       74


4.1      Socio-economic characteristics                                                                           75

4.1.1    Sex                                                                                                                     75

4.1.2    Age                                                                                                                    76

4.1.3    Marital status                                                                                                      77

4.1.4   Household size                                                                                                    78

4.1.5   Educational level                                                                                                79

4.1.6   Membership of social organization                                                                      80

4.1.7   Major occupation                                                                                                81

4.1.8    Farm size                                                                                                            82

4.1.9   Monthly income                                                                                                  83

4.1.10  Farming experience                                                                                            84

4.2      Farmers’ perceived actors in oil palm innovation system                                      85

4.3      Roles of actors in oil palm innovation system                                                      87

4.4      Linkage between the actors of oil palm innovation system                                    90

4.5      Information sources                                                                                             92

4.6      Adoption of oil palm innovation                                                                          93

4.7      Innovation attributes influencing adoption                                                           97

4.8     Effectiveness of the oil palm innovation system as perceived by farmers              99

4.9      Farmers’ perceived constraints to oil palm innovation system                               101

4.10    Hypotheses of the study                                                                                       104

4.10.1 Hypothesis 1                                                                                                        104

4.10.2 Hypothesis 2                                                                                                        106

4.10.3 Hypothesis 3                                                                                                        107


5.1      Summary                                                                                                            109

5.2      Conclusion                                                                                                         110

5.3      Recommendations                                                                                               111

5.4      Contributions to knowledge                                                                                112

REFERENCES                                                                                                   114

APPENDIX                                                                                                       123