
TITLE PAGE                                                                                                             i

APPROVAL PAGE                                                                                                   ii

CERTIFICATION                                                                                                     iii

DEDICATION                                                                                                           iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS                                                                                       v

TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                           vi

LIST OF TABLES                                                                                                     ix

ABSTRACT                                                                                                               xi


Background of the Study                                                                                           1

Statement of the Problem                                                                               5

Purpose of the Study                                                                                                  7

Significance of the Study                                                                                           8

Research Questions                                                                                    10

Hypotheses                                                                                                                 11

Delimitation of the Study                                                                           12


            Conceptual Framework                                                          14

Technical Education at NCE level                                                                  16

Inputs                                                                                                              16

Implementation of Technical Education in Colleges of Education

(Technical)                                                                                                      18

Quality Assurance                                                                                           20

Quality Assurance of input                                                                             23

Technical Education implementation Inputs                                                  26

Personnel                                                                                                         27       

Facilities                                                                                                          29

Equipment                                                                                                       29

Theoretical Framework                                                                                31

Systems theory                                                                                                32

Theory of vocational and technical education                                                33

 Related Empirical Studies                                                                        35 

Summary of Review of Related Literature            –                                     40


Research Design                                                                                             42

Area of the Study                                                                                           42

Population for the Study                                                                                43

Instrument for Data Collection                                                                       43

Validation of the Instrument                                                                        44

            Reliability of the Instrument                                                          44

            Method of Data Collection                                                           44

            Method of Data Analysis                                                             45


            Research  Question  1                                                                46

Research  Question  2                                                                                     47         

Research  Question  3                                                                       48             

Research  Question  4                                                                                     49

Research  Question 5                                                                                      50

Research  Question 6                                                                           55            

            Hypotheses 1                                                                             60         

            Hypotheses 2                                                                                                  61

            Hypotheses 3                                                                                                  62

            Hypotheses 4                                                                                                  63

Hypotheses 5                                                                                                  63

Hypotheses 6                                                                                                              64

            Findings of the Study                                                                        65         

            Findings on Hypotheses                                                  68             

            Discussion of Findings                                                                69        

            Discussion of the Hypotheses                                                    71


            Re-statement of the Problem                                                 73              

            Summary of Procedures Used                                                    74            

            Summary of Major Findings                                                        75              

            Implications of the Study                                                         76              

            Conclusions                                                                          76               

            Recommendations                                                                           77              

            Suggestions for Further Study                             77                

REFERENCES                                                                                      78       

APPENDICES                                                                                         84       

            Appendix A: List of Institutions/Population Distribution               85

            Appendix B: Letter of Introduction                                           86

            Appendix C: Instrument for Data Collection                87

            Appendix D: Avalability Checklist                                             98

            Appendix E: Result of Data Analysis                                          102


Tables                                                                                                                         pages

1.   Personnel Available for the Implementation of Technical Education

Programme in Colleges of Education in north central Nigeria                                                                                        46

2.   Mean Rating of Responses of Respondents on Adequacy of Available

              Personnel for the Implementation of Technical Education

              programme in Colleges of Education in North Central Nigeria       47

3   Mean Rating of Responses of Respondents on Availability of facilities

         for the Implementation of Technical Education programme in

         Colleges of Education in North Central Nigeria                                48

4 Mean Rating of Responses of Respondents on adequacy of available

         facilities for the Implementation of Technical Education

         programme in Colleges of Education in North Central Nigeria         49

 5  Mean Rating of Responses of Respondents on availability of      equipment/machine and tools for the Implementation of Technical           Education programme in Colleges of Education in North Central Nigeria                                                                                                            50

6 Mean Rating of Responses of Respondents on the level of adequacy of

available equipment/machine and tools for the Implementation of

Technical Education programme in Colleges of Education in

North Central Nigeria                                                                         51

7 Summary of t-test Table on the availability of personnel for the

Implementation of Technical Education Programme in Federal

Colleges of Education and State Colleges of Education in North

Central Nigeria                                                                                    52

8  Summary of t-test Table on the availability of facilities for the

implementation of Technical Education programme in Federal

Colleges of education and State Colleges of education in North

   Central Nigeria                                                                                    53

9  Summary of t-test Table on the availability of machines, equipment and

tools for the implementation of Technical Education programme in

Federal Colleges of education and State Colleges of education

in North Central Nigeria                                                                     54

10. Mean Rating on Adequacy of Available Auto Mechanic Equipment for the Implementation of Technical Education Programme in Colleges of Education in North Central Nigeria                                                    55       

11. Mean Rating on Adequacy of Available Building Technology Equipment for the Implementation of Technical Education Programme in Colleges of Education in North Central Nigeria                                                                56       

12. Mean Rating on Adequacy Available Electronic Technology Equipment for the Implementation of Technical Education Programme in Colleges of Education in North Central Nigeria                                57

13. Mean Rating on Adequacy Available Metalwork Technology Equipment for the Implementation of Technical Education Programme in Colleges of Education in North Central Nigeria                                58

14. Mean Rating on Adequacy Available Woodwork Technology Equipment for the Implementation of Technical Education Programme in Colleges of Education in North Central Nigeria                                59

            15. Summary of t-test on the Availability of Personnel for the Implementation  of Technical Education Programme in Federal Colleges of Education and   State Colleges of Education in North Central Nigeria                                                                                    61

16. Summary of t-test on the Availability of Facilities for the Implementation of Technical Education Programme in Federal Colleges of Education and   State Colleges of Education in North Central Nigeria                                                                                    61

17. Summary of t-test on the Availability of Machines, Equipment and Tools for the Implementation of Technical Education Programme in Federal Colleges of Education and State Colleges of Education in North Central Nigeria the                                       62

18. Summary of t-test on Adequacy of personnel for the Implementation of Technical Education Programme in Federal Colleges of Education and State Colleges of Education in North Central Nigeria the                                                                                         63

19. Summary of t-test on Adequacy of Facilities for the Implementation of Technical Education Programme in Federal Colleges of Education and State Colleges of Education in North Central Nigeria.                                                                                               64

20. Summary of t-test on Adequacy of Machines, Equipment and Tools for the Implementation of Technical Education Programme in Federal Colleges of Education and State Colleges of Education in North Central Nigeria.                                                                        65                     


The study was carried out to assess the quality assurance of inputs into the implementation of technical education programme of Colleges of Education in North-central Nigeria. Survey research design was adopted for the study. Check list and interview schedule were used for data collection. Three experts validated the instruments, two from University of Nigeria Nsukka and one from Federal College of Education Pankshin. The reliability was determined using Cronbach Alpha method of establishing reliability. The coefficient of reliability obtained was 0.89. Population for the study was the five colleges of education in North Central Nigeria that offer technical education programme at NCE level and 140 input items as contained in NCCE minimum standard for implementation of technical education programme. Five copies of the checklist (one for each school) were used to obtain information on availability and adequacy. Percentage and mean were used to analyze data obtained from observation and interview schedule on availability and adequacy respectively. The study found out that 80% of the required personnel input are available, 78% of the required facilities are available, 84% of equipment/ machines and tools required are available in Colleges of Education in north central Nigeria. 40% of personnel are found to be adequate, 27.3% of facilities were found to be adequate. 26% of automachanic equipment/machine and tools, 45.5% of building technology equipment/machine and tools, 25.8% electrical/electronic technology equipment/machine and tools, 31% of metal work technology equipment/machine and tools and 34.8% of woodwork technology equipment/machine and tools were found to be adequate. It was therefore recommended that government should inject more funds to Colleges of Educations to enable them provide adequate inputs for the implementation of technical education programmes for quality assurance.



Background of the Study

A nation cannot survive the present technologically advanced world without focusing on quality human resource development. Quality human resource development can only be achieved through quality education (Anaele, 2010). Some countries of the world, today, are described as developed or advanced, due to their technological feats and manoeuvres (Uzoagulu, 2011). They got to these positions through co-ordinated quality Technology Education. The importance of Technology Education to a nation’s development therefore cannot be over emphasized. Quality Technology Education is a product of a number of factors, such as well-articulated policies, comprehensive, adaptive and realizable curricula, adequate funding, adequate teaching and learning facilities/equipment and above all quality teachers (Anaele, 2010).

Realising the role of quality teachers in nation building, Federal Government of Nigeria (2004) stated, “No nation’s education system may rise above the quality of its teachers”. The policy went further to state that, teacher education programmes shall be structured to equip teachers for effective performance of their duties. These structuring brought about the establishment of NCE teachers training institutions in the country. Technical Education is one of the teacher training programmes of Colleges of Education in Nigeria. Its focus is the production of Technical Education teachers at NCE level.

Technical Education according to Onjewu (2007) is the aspect of education, which prepares people academically to be engaged in the acquisition and application of science and modern technology by focusing both on the theoretical and practical application of basic scientific principles. Federal Government of Nigeria (2004) defines Technical Education as that aspect of education, which leads to the acquisition of practical and applied skills as well as basic scientific knowledge. The objectives of Technical Education in Colleges of Education are to:

  1. Produce National Certificate in Education (NCE Tech) teachers and practitioners of technology capable of teaching Introductory Technology (Basic Technology) in junior secondary schools.
  2. Produce NCE (Tech) teachers who will be able to inculcate scientific and technological attitudes and values into the society.
  3. Produce qualified technical teachers motivated to start the so much desired revolution of technological development right from the Nigerian schools.
  4. Prepare technical teachers to qualify them for post NCE degree programme in technical education (NCCE, 2002).

Colleges of Education are post-secondary institutions responsible for training National Certificate in Education (NCE) teachers in Nigeria. Colleges of Education are teacher-training institutions that offer NCE technical courses. In order to achieve the objectives of teacher education at the NCE level, and to maintain standard of the products in a sustainable manner, the National Commission for Colleges of Education (NCCE) was established. The mandate of the commission among other things includes; monitoring and ensuring quality among Colleges of Education programmes, for quality assurance of graduates.

In performing the above responsibilities, a minimum standard for all programmes approval are spelt out clearly for Colleges of Education in the country. After many years of implementation of the programme, objectives I and II above seem to be far from being realized looking at the low level of the nations development. Yakubu (2003) observed that lack of funds has affected the provision of some essential inputs needed in the implementation of the programme in most of the Colleges of Education.  It is now a common sight to find students of Technical Education sharing tables, seats, and other input. Where each student should have one. There is lack of internal self-evaluation or internal quality assurance mechanism that would have been responsible to monitor compliance with minimum standards requirement on continuous basis. Yakubu (2003) observed that standards often tend to decline after the accreditation visits rather than being maintained or improved upon as expected. The author also alleged that some institutions and departments sometimes stage manage their facilities and even personnel, all of which disappear to the rightful owners as soon as accreditation is over. The scenario lead to production of poorly trained technical teachers. The assertion is in line with the World Bank report on Africa (2004) cited by Eze and Olaitan (2010), that teachers recruited into teaching position in schools do not meet the quality required for effective teaching. Okoro (1999) also observed that most of the products of technical institutions in Nigeria do not have the knowledge and skills that will enable them to take up the available jobs. Hence, they could not give what they do not possess. All these are indicators of poor teacher preparation from technical teacher institutions.

Gboyega (2008) stated that the teacher is the key factor in helping students master manipulative skills needed for employment in any occupation and that, the success or failure of any Technical Education programme depends on available inputs. This input includes personnel and facilities. This therefore calls for quality assurance of faculty and facilities in technical teacher training institution to achieve its objective. Quality assurance as stated by Pearson (2007) is the practice of checking quality of goods or services rendered by individual or company, so that the standard will continue to be good. Gunter, Mammed and Wermer (2000) described quality assurance as available evidence on the quality of the inputs into a programme as a judgment to whether; they are achieving the objectives of a planned programme. In the context of this study therefore, quality assurance means an assessment or checking the availability of inputs, their adequacy and suitability for implementing Technical Education programme in Colleges of Education for teaching manipulative skills at NCE level of teacher education. The study specifically will be concerned with personnel and facility inputs.

Input according to Hornby (2004) is something put into projects or programmes in order to make it succeed.  Adelina and Anyakoha (2004) saw input as the resource that facilitates the quality and effectiveness of the implementation of a given curriculum. In the context of this study, input consists of staff (academic and supportive), physical facilities (classrooms, offices, workshops, tools, equipment and consumables) required by NCCE as minimum standard for effective implementation of Technical Education programmes in Colleges of Education in Nigeria. Encarta (2008) defines implementation as the carrying out, execution or practice of a plan, a method, or any design for doing something. It further stated that implementation is the action that must follow any preliminary thinking in order for something to actually happen.

Implementation in this context therefore, is the execution of Technical Education programme in order to achieve its objectives in technical institutions. To effectively implement Technical Education programme in Colleges of Education, to achieve the stated objectives, it is imperative to improve on the poor state of technical teacher performance, which has been attributed in some quarters, to the state of quality assurance inputs in the training institutions. This however has to be by assessing the inputs (personnel and facilities) in the institutions, using the NCCE (2008) minimum standard (requirements) as the benchmark to ascertain their availability, adequacy and suitability.

Assessment according to Okoro (2000), is a form of evaluation that uses collected data for estimating the worth, quality or effectiveness of a programme or project. Assessment therefore refers to a process of determining the availability, adequacy and suitability of inputs (personnel and facilities) for effective implementation of Technical Education programme in Colleges of Education.

Availability as defined by Encarta (2008) is a condition of being available, especially of being easily accessible or obtainable. Availability refers to the presence of the required personnel and facilities for quality assurance in the implementation of Technical Education programme in Colleges of Education. Adequacy is a state of being enough, sufficiency in quality or quantity to meet a need or quality for something (Encarta, 2008). In the context of this study, adequacy is the required sufficiency of personnel and facilities by students according to NCCE minimum standard (requirements) for implementing Technical Education programme in Colleges of Education. For effective implementation of Technical Education programme in colleges of education toward the attainment of its objectives, it is imperative to assess the quality assurance of its inputs continually, to ascertain their availability, and adequacy.

Statement of the Problem