Two experiments were conducted to determine the calcium and phosphorus requirement of growing Yankasa lambs in the Savannah region of Nigeria, The first experiment which was designed to study the calcium requirement of growing lambs in the region involved two studies with varying dietary calcium levels:0.28%, 0.42%, 0.56%, 0.70%, 0.86%, 0.99% and 1.15%. Rations were formulated to be adequate and similar in protein, energy and vitamin D. The criteria of adequacy employed included growth performance, mineral retention, serum calcium and phosphorus levels and bone development. The results indicated that the provi#ion of dietary calcium at the rate of 305 nig/kg body weight per day was adequate for growth. The second experiment was conducted to determine the optimum levels of calcium and phosphorus for growing lambs in this region. Three levels of dietary calcium and three levels of dietary phosphorus were used in a 3 X 3 factorial arrangement. The nine rations were formulated to be isocaloric and isonitrogenous and vitamin D was provided at the rate of 5.6 I.U per kg body weight per day. The same criteria of adequacy were used as in first experiment. The optimum level of dietary calcium for growing lambs was found to be 295 mg/kg body weight per day while the optimum level of dietary phosphorus was found to be276 mg/kg body weight per day. Endogenous values for calcium and phosphorus obtained by regressing the faecal and urinary outputs of the elements on the intake were found to be 5.5mg/kg body weight per day for calcium in experiment 1, 9.1mg per kg body weight per day for calcium in experiment 2 and 32.3 mg/kg bodyweight per day for phosphorus in experiment 2. The merit of expressing mineral requirement on net basis is discussed and recommended.