A model for a widespread implementation of inquiry-based learning


Innovative teaching practices such as inquiry-based learning (IBL) have long been topics of discussion amongst mathematics and science educators. However, it is not easy to change day-to-day teaching on a large scale. The relevant question of how to promote a widespread uptake of IBL in day-to-day teaching therefore needs more consideration. In order to ensure such uptake of IBL in a variety of different contexts, a model including dissemination and implementation strategies needs to be designed. In this paper, we present the design of a focused and flexible model for dissemination and implementation as developed within the international project PRIMAS, funded by the EU under Framework 7. The design of this model is rooted in design research. We will outline and explain the complexity of the model, including its theoretical basis, its iterative approach for evaluation and refinement, and its intended contributions to research.Â