1.1 Background To The Study

Conflict is described as a disagreement between two or more people over an issue caused by unexpected behavior, a shift in attitude, or a denial of right (Mogbo, 2002). At this age, conflict between parents and teenagers might be the outcome of a chain reaction. Force, excessive control, and denial of rights by parents may emerge from a change in the adolescent’s mindset as a result of the developmental period. When an adolescent’s needs aren’t addressed, he will fight with anybody or everything that comes along.

Conflict is defined as a dispute between two or more people that causes distress to all parties concerned. The teenager is stressed by adolescent-parental conflict as well as the developmental period. He requires assistance and support, and because his parents are unable to provide it due to the disagreement, the teenager seeks advice from his peers. This is the basis for maladjustment (Forehand et al, 2001), since it provides a chance to imitate poor habits and life attitudes. If the adolescent’s maladjustment is not appropriately addressed, it might have a negative impact on his or her development.

When marital conflict impairs the parent-child connection, children from households with marital conflict have worse academic attainment. When the parent-child bond remains unaffected, the opposite is true (Miliotis Sesma and Masten, 2007). This shows that a positive parent-child relationship is critical for a child’s academic success. When parents’ relationships with their children are strained, they become worried and dissatisfied. The degree of teenage parental conflict and its impact varies from person to person, family to family, and society to society.

It is greater between dads and sons in certain circumstances, and between mothers and daughters in others, and vice versa. In some families, adolescent parental conflict is uncommon, short-lived, and modest in intensity. Other families or groups, on the other hand, may require the assistance of a therapist (Allison, 2000).

Another key cause of conflict is a communication barrier or inappropriate communication. Adolescents feel unduly constrained when they are not provided reasons why they should or should not do something. They grow enraged and, in some cases, rebel against their parents. Winex and Anderson (2007; Winex and Anderson, 2007).

Academic performance (Scortt’s, 2012) refers to how successfully a student completes his or her activities and studies. The most well-known indication of academic success is grades. Grades are a student’s “score” for each class and for their whole academic career. Grades are usually calculated by adding up or averaging assignment and test results, and they can be influenced by factors like as attendance and the instructor’s assessment of the student.

Grading scales vary widely by county and school; popular scales include a percentage scale from 1-100, lettering systems from A-F, and grade point averages (GPA) ranging from 0-4.0 or higher. Academic performance, according to Ward, Stocker, and Murray-Ward (2006), refers to the outcome of education, or the amount to which a student, instructor, or institution has met their educational objectives. Academic achievement is defined as the capacity to learn and recall things, as well as the ability to transmit one’s knowledge vocally or in writing (Answers, 2010).

In this study, performance refers to the degree to which pupils have mastered the goals of the disciplines to which they are exposed in school. Academic accomplishment has been noticed in school courses, particularly mathematic and English language, among secondary school pupils, according to (Aremu and Sokan 2003).