Back into the wild: establishing a migratory Northern bald ibis Geronticus eremita population in Europe


From the perspective of zoological institutions reintroduction projects offer many possibilities to link conservation and research programmes. An example of the multi-layered and diverse contributions that zoological institutions in general and, specifically, Vienna Zoo, Austria, can make is the reintroduction of the Northern bald ibis Geronticus eremita in central Europe. The involvement of zoological institutions ranges from the provision of eggs or birds for release trials, to financial and advocacy support, including with government agencies and non-governmental organizations. Through involvement at a steering level at the coordinative association ‘Forderverein Waldrappteam’ and as a partner in the EU LIFE+ reintroduction project, Vienna Zoo directly contributes to the shape of the reintroduction project for this Critically Endangered species, and provides much more than technical and infrastructural support. The reintroduction of the Northern bald ibis is broadly in line with the reintroduction guidelines of the International Union for Conservation of Nature. This project provides added benefits not only through its work to prevent the illegal hunting of migratory birds but also the production and dissemination of scientific research.Â