Wheelbarrow can be defined as a machine that is used by labourers, farmes, gardeness, and others for transporting loads to heavy by hand it from one place to another.

However, materials used for construction purpose are bought in standard sizes wither in long bars or standard sheet sizes.  Moreover, depending on the type to be constructed, the materials are then reduced to smaller and more convenient sizes.  The shapes and forms are changed by filing, drilling, reaming, tapping, broading etc.  Also depending on the size of the workshop, some of these operations may be carried out using manual or mechanized processes.

In addition, procedures involved in constructing a locally made “V” shape wheel barrow include MARKING OUT, PATTERN DEVELOPMENT, CUTTING, DRILLING, BORING and WELDING OPERATIONS.  High quality materials were used to contruct the wheel barrow that processes the required standard.

The medium was tested with some amount of local to know if its ability was optimum, the machine handle moved freely and smoothly after the handle was lifted.


1.1              INTRODUCTION

This is a hand-pushed vehicle, consisting of a dish-shapes body supported on two shafts, arrangal in a “V” shape with handles at the spread end and a wheel and axle at the point.  The wheelbarrow at the axle, the serve applied at the handles and coal or resistance between the two in the body.  It is used by laborers, farmers, gardeners and others for transporting loads too heavy or bucky to be carried by hand and is similar to hand trucks used by warehouse men and industrial workers expect that the latter has two wheels.  Modern wheel barrow are made of wood or of a light metal, such as aluminum, and have a rubber fire on the wheel.  A two-wheel vehicle for carrying garden materials is more properly called a garden cart.

The purpose of the production of this machine is to reduce alleviate and possibly eliminate the sufferings, time, money, wastage of man-power and more especially the need for technological break-through and self reliance, which has been a major concern of the federal government.

Moreover, this project at hand has delved into simplicities and the construction of this machine that can be used to carry different types of heavy load to any distance.




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