Title Page                                                                                                   i

Certification                                                                                                  ii

Dedication                                                                                               iii

Acknowledgements                                                               iv

Table of Contents                                                                               v

List of Tables                                                                                 vii

List of Figures                                                                                            viii

Abstract                                                                                                                             xi


  1. What are6 Pulsars?                                                               1
    1. History of Discovery of Radio Pulsars                            2
    1. Classification of Pulsars                                               4

1.4 Neutron Star – A Member of the Compact Stars       6

1.5 The Internal Structure of a Typical Neutron Star                          7

1.6 Neutron Star Magnetosphere                                                   9

1.7 The Emitting Regions of Pulsars                                                   10

1.8 Radio Pulse Characteristics                                                            11

1.8.1 Integrated Pulse Profile                                                               11

1.8.2 Pulse Shapes                                                                           11

1.8.3 Profile Evolution with Frequency                                              13

1.8.4 Flux Density Spectra                                                             13

1.8.5 Polarization of Pulsar Radiation                                             14

1.9 Pulsars as Astrophysical Tools                                               15

1.9.1 Pulsars as High-Precision Timing and Time Keeping Devices     15

1.9.2 Laboratory for Testing the Predictions of General Relativity          17 The Use of Double Neutron Star (DNS) Binaries                17

1.9.3 The Study of the Galaxy and the Interstellar Medium       19

1.9.4 The Study of Super-Dense Matter                                                20

1.9.5 The Discovery of Extra-Solar Planets                                                  22

1.9.6 The Study of Plasma Physics under Extreme Conditions   22

1.10 Purpose of Study                                                                      23


2.1 Pulsar Spin-Down Evolution                                                        24

2.2 The Interstellar Medium (ISM)                                                     26

2.3 Propagation Effects in the Interstellar Medium                                 28

2.3.1 Homogeneity of the ISM                                                                 28

2.3.2 Pulse Dispersion                                                              29

2.3.3 Scintillation                                                                                  30

2.3.4 Scattering                                                                                    32

2.3.5 Faraday Rotation                                                                 34

2.4 Dispersion Measures                                                         36

2.5 Rotation Measures                                                                      40


3.1 Source of Data                                                                                       42

3.2 Data Analysis and Results                                                                  43

3.2.1 Simple Descriptive Analysis                          43               

3.2.2 Simple Regression Analysis                                                            49

3.3 Analysis of Time Rate of Change of DM ( ) of a Sample of Radio Pulsars 58

3.3.1 Features of some Peculiar Pulsars                                 62

3.4 Further Analysis of DM and RM Dependence on Radio Pulsar Spin-Down    Parameters                                                                      62


4.1 Discussion                                                                                        68

4.2 Conclusion                                                                                            71

References                                                                                     73


Table 2.1: A breakdown of the properties of the components of the ISM of the Milky Way                                                                                              27

Table 3.1: A summary of correlation coefficient, r results                        51

Table 3.2: Properties of the peculiar pulsars                62


Figure 1.1: A typical structure of a neutron star interior based on soft equation of state    7

Figure 1.2: Toy model for the rotating neutron star and its magnetosphere  9                              

Figure 1.3: Emission region of a pulsar                                                      11

Figure 1.4: Integrated pulse profile for a sample of nine pulsars       12

Figure 1.5: Multi-frequency pulse profiles for two pulsars                  13

Figure 1.6: Comparing the stability of PSRs B1855+09 and B1937+21 with various  atomic clock differences                                                       16

Figure 1.7: The shift in the periastron passage of the binary pulsar B1913+16 plotted as a  Function of time                                      18

Figure 2.1: The PSRs thin screen                                                           32

   Figure 2.2: Pulsar scatter-broadening times as a function of dispersion measure             33

   Figure 2.3: The geometry of scattering                                   34

Figure 3.1:   Histogram of the distribution of the dispersion measure (a) and rotation measure (b) of the 668 radio pulsars on logarithmic scales 46

Figure 3.2: Histogram of Z – height of 665 radio pulsars from the galactic plane 47

Figure 3.4: Histogram of 668 radio pulsars’ characteristic age on logarithmic scale                                                                             48

Figure 3.5: Histogram of 668 radio pulsars’ surface magnetic field on logarithmic scale                                                                                                     48

Figure 3.6: Histogram of 668 radio pulsars’ rotation period on logarithmic  Scale                                                                                                                        49

Figure 3.7:  Scatter plot of the absolute values of the rotation measure (RM) against the dispersion measure (DM) on logarithmic scales for the 668 radio pulsars                                                                                     52

Figure 3.8: Scatter plot on Logarithmic scale of the dispersion measure (DM)  against pulsars’ distance from the galactic plane (Z) for the 665 radio pulsars                                                                                  53

Figure 3.9: Scatter plot on Logarithmic scale of absolute values of rotation measure against pulsars’ distance from the galactic plane (Z) for the 665 radio pulsars                                                                                                     53

Figure 3.10: Scatter plot of the dispersion measure (DM) against period derivative ( ) on Logarithmic scales for the 668 radio pulsars            54

Figure 3.11: A scatter plot of logarithm of absolute values of rotation measure against logarithm of period derivative for the 668 radio pulsars                           54

Figure 3.12: Scatter plot of the dispersion measure (DM) against characteristic age ( ) on logarithmic scales for the 668 radio pulsars  55

Figure 3.13: A scatter plot of logarithm of absolute values of rotation measure against logarithm of characteristic age for the 668 radio pulsars 55

Figure 3.14:  Scatter plot of dispersion measure (DM) against surface magnetic field (Bsurf) on logarithmic scales for the 668 radio pulsars 56

Figure 3:15: Scatter plot of absolute values of rotation measure against surface magnetic field on logarithmic scales for the 668 radio pulsars                             56

Figure 3.16: Scatter plot of logarithmic dispersion measure against logarithm of rotation period for the 668 radio pulsars         57

Figure 3.17: Scatter plot of logarithm of absolute values of rotation measure against logarithm of rotation period for the 668 radio pulsars                            57

Figure 3.18: Scatter plot of absolute values of dispersion measure derivative against dispersion measure on logarithmic scales for the 349 pulsars                  59

Figure 3.19:  Scatter plot of absolute values of dispersion measure derivative against absolute values of rotation measure on logarithmic scales for the 266 pulsars                                                                         59

Figure 3.20: Scatter plot of absolute values of dispersion measure derivative against period derivative on logarithmic scales for the 349 pulsars                     60

Figure 3.21: Scatter plot of absolute values of dispersion measure derivative against characteristic age on logarithmic scales for the 349 pulsars                    60

Figure 3.22: Scatter plot of absolute values of dispersion measure derivative against surface magnetic field on logarithmic scales for the 349 pulsars                                                                                61

Figure 3.23: Scatter plot of absolute values of dispersion measure derivative against rotation period on logarithmic scales for the 349 pulsars                        61

Figure 3.24: Plot of the mean values of logarithmic dispersion measure against mean values of logarithmic characteristic age             65

Figure 3.25: Plot of the mean values of logarithmic absolute values of rotation measure against mean values of logarithmic characteristic age65

Figure 3.26: Plot of the mean values of logarithmic dispersion measure against mean values of logarithmic period derivative                66

Figure 3.27: Plot of the mean values of logarithmic absolute values of rotation measure against mean values of logarithmic period derivative                           66

Figure 3.28: Plot of the mean values of logarithmic dispersion measure against mean values of logarithmic surface magnetic field            67

Figure 3.29: Plot of the mean values of logarithmic absolute values of rotation measure against mean values of logarithmic surface magnetic field                  67


A statistical analysis of a large sample of 668 radio pulsars was undertaken in other to investigate the possible dependence of interstellar medium (ISM) parameters [dispersion measure (DM) and rotation measure (RM)] on pulsar spin-down parameters [rotation period ( ) and spin-down rate ( )]. The existence of such relationship will have a far reaching implication on the theories of pulsar birth and evolution. A simple descriptive analysis of the data reveals that the sample is quite heterogeneous, consisting of normal and recycled millisecond pulsars. Specifically, the published values of , , DM and RM for objects in the sample were found to vary over a wide range: ~ 0.002 – 9 s, 3 × 10-21 – 2 × 10-11 ss-1, 2 – 1100 cm-3pc and -3000 – 2400 radm-2, respectively, with the corresponding mean values of ~ 0.69 ± 0.02 s, (9.94 ± 0.05) × 10-14 ss-1, 181 ± 7 cm-3pc and 157 ± 10 radm-2. Scatter plots of DM and RM (irrespective of sign) against  reveal large amplitude (~ 3 orders of magnitude) scatter in the ISM parameters superimposed on a striking trend in which pulsars with large values of  (young pulsars), on average, are characterized by large DM and |RM| values. A simple regression analysis of the DM/|RM| –  data yields a moderate correlation (with correlation coefficient r ~ 0.5). A simple interpretation of the moderate DM/|RM| ‒   relationship is that objects with large  (corresponding to young pulsars) are, on average, located in a region of ISM with high electron density content (in this case, the galactic plane). On the other hand, smaller values of , DM and |RM| correspond to relatively older pulsars located in regions farther away from the galactic plane (with low electron density content). The DM/|RM| ‒   correlation increased significantly (with correlation coefficient r ~ 0.95), when mean values of the parameters were employed in the analysis. The observed large scatter in the ISM data highlights the complex nature of the electron content distribution in the ISM and the large dispersion in both the magnitude and direction of pulsar space velocities. Similar analysis did show any appreciable dependence of both DM and RM on the pulsar rotation period. Our analysis also reaffirms the existence of a strong correlation (r ~ 0.7) between the DM and RM parameters, which are used to characterize the ISM.



1.1 What are Pulsars?

            A pulsar is a highly magnetized, rapidly rotating neutron star that emits beams of broad band electromagnetic radiation. This radiation can only be observed when the beam of emission sweeps across the earth, much the way a lighthouse can be seen when the light is pointed in the direction of an observer. The events leading to the formation of a pulsar begin when the core of a massive (> 10 ) star is collapsed into a neutron star during a supernova explosion, where  is the mass of the sun which is ~ 2  1030 kg. The neutron star retains most of the angular momentum and only a tiny fraction of the size of its progenitor star. The sharp reduction in the stellar moment of inertia results in significant amplification of the rotation speed of neutron stars. Beams of radiation are emitted along the magnetic axis of the pulsar as it spins about the rotation axis of the neutron star. The magnetic axis of the pulsar determines the direction of the electromagnetic beam, with the magnetic axis not necessarily aligned with its rotation axis. This misalignment causes the beam to be modulated by the rotation of the neutron star. The beam originates from the rotational kinetic energy of the neutron star, which generates an electric field from the movement of the very strong magnetic field, resulting in the acceleration of protons and electrons on the star surface and the creation of an electromagnetic beam emanating from the poles of the magnetic field.

Where is the braking index, is the pulsar spin-down rate and is usually assumed to be a constant. When a pulsar’s spin period slows down sufficiently, the radio pulsar mechanism is believed to turn off (the so-called “death line”). This turn-off seems to take place after about 10 – 100 million years, which means that of all the neutron stars in the 13.6 billion years age of the universe, around 99% no longer pulsate (Young et al., 1999). There are currently over 2000 known radio pulsars and their rotation periods are in the range of about 1.5 ms and 8.5 s (Seiradakis and Wielebinski, 2004; Manchester et al., 2005).

1.2 History of Discovery of Radio Pulsars

            The discovery of pulsars by Professor Anthony Hewish and Jocelyn Bell Burnell in 1967 is one of the most important and dramatic advances in the history of radio astronomy (Hewish et al., 1968). The story began in 1965 when Hewish started the construction of an 82 MHz (3.7 m wavelength) array of 2048  dipoles for scintillation studies of compact radio quasars. The dipoles were set horizontally several wavelengths above the ground in regular rows covering an area of 20,000 square metres. Graduate students at Cambridge University helped in the construction of the radio antenna. One of them, Jocelyn Bell from Ireland, was responsible for the network of thousands of cables (transmission lines) between the antenna and receiver. The array was physically fixed but by introducing appropriate phasing with different cable lengths, the beam could be shifted in declination. The earth’s rotation provided scanning in right ascension. Hewish had designed the antenna to investigate the compact quasar radio sources by their scintillation as produced by the irregular structure of the interplanetary medium.

            In early measurements by Hey et al. (1946), fluctuations were observed in the radio emission from Cygnus A, which are due to inhomogeneities in the earth’s ionosphere. Hewish (1955) and Vitkevitch (1955) noted that the outer solar corona scattered radio waves, increasing the apparent diameter of radio sources. Both coronal scattering and ionospheric-induced fluctuations are similar scintillation phenomena but only differ in scale. Beginning in 1962, Hewish, Scott and Wills (1964) noted rapid fluctuations (with periods of a few seconds) in the intensity of a number of radio sources, notably 3C48, 3C119, 3C138 and 3C147, as measured at 178 MHz. Two of these sources were already known to possess very small angular diameters. It was concluded that the fluctuations were a scintillation effect produced by the interplanetary medium and is most severe for sources of angular diameter < 1 arcsec and at wavelengths of more than 1 m. The effect was found to become stronger with decreasing angular distance to the sun and the fluctuation rate faster with increasing wavelength. The belief that this scintillation effect could provide a convenient technique for estimating the angular diameter of radio sources in the range < 1 arcsec motivated the new antenna array by Hewish and his co-workers.

            The plan was to survey most of the sky north of declination -080 once a week, keeping this region under constant surveillance. By July, 1967 construction of the array was completed and observations were begun with output recorded at short time constant with a pen-on-paper chart. Jocelyn Bell was given the responsibility of analyzing the 100 s of meters of chart paper flowing from the recorder each week in order to note times and declinations of chart deflections having a rapid fluctuation or scintillation. In October, 1967, she noted some unusual deflections lasting a minute or two which she could not readily identify as either a scintillating quasar or as interference from a terrestrial source, e.g. a gasoline engine ignition. Recalling that she had seen something like it several weeks earlier, she searched back through the records and found that it had appeared several times before and at the same declination and right ascension. This suggested that it was of celestial and not terrestrial origin, but curiously, the signals appeared conspicuously near midnight when interplanetary scintillation drops to a very low value.

            Systematic investigation of these signals began in November, 1967. High speed recordings showed that they consisted of a series of pulses of about  second duration with a repetition period of 1.337 s which was maintained with astonishing precision. The thought that the signal might be the beacon of an extraterrestrial civilization was entertained at one point, but lack of Doppler variation in the pulse rate from planetary motion around a star and the discovery of three more pulsing signals elsewhere in the sky seemed to rule out this possibility. Announcement of the discovering of these pulsating  objects or pulsars appeared in the February 24, 1968 issue of “Nature” with a tentative explanation offered that the sources were oscillating white dwarf or neutron stars (Hewish et al., 1968). The discovery of pulsars with periods less than  second and a spin-down rate led to the identification of pulsars as rotating neutron stars.

This serendipitous discovery of pulsars was entirely unexpected but so was Karl Guthe Jansky’s discovery of radio emission from our galaxy that marked the beginning of radio astronomy, as well as Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson’s discovering of 3 K sky background. It is remarkable that in all the three cases (pulsars, galactic radio emission and 3 K), the design of the instrument and the circumstances of its use were almost ideally suited for the discovery. Many astronomers around the world joined in further observations and studies of the pulsar and in searching for new ones, generating a vast literature on pulsars.