The study was organized in five chapter I
In chapter one the researcher introduced the topic under different sub heading such as background of the study statement of problems purpose of the study research question testing of hypotheses delimitation of study and scope etc.
A review of related literature was done in chapter two to find out what other view are on the problem from the research it was revealed that pz industries has an effective accounting system which the maintained.
Her accounting productive and principles was based on accrued basis.
Chapter three presented the research methodology employed to achieve the purpose of the study. It discussed the preliminary search for relevant information data collection description of    population and sample size instrument used for data collection and method of application design of questionnaires and administration the formation of all null hypothesis
Chapter four  dealt with data presentation analysis and interpretation.
Chapter five has to do with restatement of the problem summary of the producers used summary of findings conclusion and recommendation.
Most of the production industries have actually collapsed because of inadequate and ineffective accounting system in the accounts department of production industries.
The growth of any countries industries depends on the level of her accountability to a large extent to the success of the industries. There fore this project is aimed at identifying and describing the need for an effective accounting system in the accounts departments of production industries.
As a background for the project the effectiveness of accounting system in production industries with particular reference to Paterson Zochonis industries Plc Aba B reviewed.
The project will illustrate the strength and weakness of accounting system in Pz industries Plc Aba to enable us known its effectiveness.
This study is also undertaken to evaluate the accounting policies of this industry with the view of improving their accounting system and control.
The research will be conducted the production manager and other workers in the department will be interviewed for more information. Also through the use of questionnaire which will be prepared and sent to respondents in the selected offices named above.
The constraints to be encountered include money time and cooperation of the employees. The recommendation is to ensure that available resource are used to perform their function there must be proper  accountability. This is provided by the accounting  system and policies adopted by this industry.
Also staff should computer literate since account department is computerized and it saves time and staffs should be sent for professional training from time to time
Te pre requisite for development scientific advancement and adequate management of any business organization is good information system. It is vary important to note that inadequate information in any production industry can influence its activities. A highly productive and organized industry will ensure that the business continues in existence by providing adequate information system.
An accounting system consist of the personnel procedures devices and records used by an organization to develop accounting information and to communicate this information to decision makers. The design and capabilities of these system  vary greatly from one organization to the other. In very small business the    accounting system may consist of little more  than a cash register checkbook and an annual book to an income tax payer. But in large business like production industries an accounting system includes computers, highly trained personnel and accounting reports which affect the daily operations of every department.
The basic purpose of the accounting system in business establishment is to meet the organization need for accounting information information as efficiently and effectively as possible it is therefore important that every business including production industries with much emphasis on Paterson Zucchinis Aba be evaluated to know if there is proper accounting system or if there is more.
Paterson zochonis since inception has made huge success both in the past and present. Although during the first word war they were faced with a square test as young as they were  then but as a result of their royal and committed team of employees the business survived.
This research work objective is delving into the utilization of fund and the general accounting and financial control system of production industries with a view of improving the effectiveness of their accounting system of an industry.
- The appraisal of the performance of Paterson zochonis industries Plc (pz) and to determiner the use of its accounting and financial control measures
- Evaluation of the information provided by the accepting system as they are useful for decision making.
- The evaluation of the information system with the view to identify the sources and measure for investment in thee industry.