Management Information System for Real Estate and Property Management


Management Information System for Real Estate and Property Management

This project studied the effectiveness of the application of the Management Information System (MIS) to Real estate and property management in order to research and develop the real estate management information system and clients purchase properties. Management Information System (MIS) provides information for the managerial activities in an organization. The main purpose of this research was to ensure that the estates provide accurate and timely information necessary to facilitate the decision-making process and enable the organizations planning,control, and operational functions to be carried out effectively. The methodology applied in this project was the crystal methodology which gave room to team work of workers in the Estate. JavaDB was the database management system that was employed for the development of the proposed system. The project provided MIS
framework administering and managing the estate properties, it makes it flexible. The features of the system includes property mapping data, file scanned images and other data on the same database platform, which is capable of conducting a number of housing management using the java programming language.
Computer, Data, Information, Computer-Based, System.
Management information systems(MIS) is the study of people, technology, organizations,and the relationships among them. MIS professionals help firms realize maximum benefit from investment in personnel, equipment, and business processes. MIS are people-oriented field with an emphasis on service through technology. Management
information systems are typically computer systems used for data managing to make searching, analyzing data, and spring information easier.Management information systems are distinct from other information systems in that they are used to analyze and facilitate strategic and operational activities.
Academically, the term is commonly used to refer to the study of how individuals,groups, and organizations evaluate, design, implement, manage, and utilize systems to generate information to improve efficiency and effectiveness of decision making, including systems termed decision support systems,expert systems,and executive information systems.
Management Information Systems are typically organized around the functional areas of an organization. MIS have diverse applications such as financial MIS, Marketing,Manufacturing MIS, Human Resources, Service Sector, etc. This concept has also been applied to real estate and property managements.
Coming by this viewpoint, many Estate and property Management companies in Nigeria have not fully utilized the full potentials of MIS. The growth and development of such companies have been dwindled because the non-application of MIS have made them to be in the dark.
Many real estate companies are still using the manual filing system to hold all external and internal correspondence relating to clients and staff. A number of files concerning different transactions and information are labeled and stored in cabinets at a branch. For security purposes, the cabinets have locks. Whenever reference is to be made in the files, one has to go through the filing system, starting from the first entry until he or she finds what they want.
This system used to work well when the company’s business transactions and the number of staff were still small. However, with the increase in the number of transactions, the filing system is breaking down since different transactions have to be cross-referenced and processed. Clients, staff and the manager of a branch nowadays want more and more information for decision-making. A need has also arisen to produce detailed monthly,quarterly and annual reports concerning the company’s transactions, expenses and turnover.
Due to the isolation of data in different files, it’s difficult to access data that should be available for management to take decisions and to easily answer client’s inquiries. Such data cannot be easily statistically analyzed to make inferences about the data items handled by a company for proper management.Private Property will give your listing great exposure through virtual tours, quality images and a world-first listing ranking. You’ll get email and SMS alerts sent to interested browsers to make sure no one misses your sweetheart deal and you will also be kept up to date with the number of views and leads your listing has generated, so your finger is always on the pulse.
But one thing is certain: as the citizens of Nigeria, we all desire to see our nation outgrowing these societal defects as soon as possible. Thus, in this project, a novel concept of Information management will be examined.
Yet as remarked above, the mere advancement of brilliant reasons for implementing computerized real estate and property management is not still considered sacrosanct in the Nigeria real estate and property managers dream.
Hence,this project is on a view to examining computerized real estate and property management.
This is a step taken to make it crystal clear in order to employ management information system for real estate and property managers as against the foregoing background currently invoked in the nooks and crannies of the Nigerian societies. Thus, this research byte when fully completed will be a learning paradigm for any real estate and property manager,because it is set out to advance novel reconceptualization of real estate and property management sector.
Statement of the Problem
Real Estate management in Nigeria is majorly land holdings, diverse commercial buildings and residential housing. In real estate property management, the property manager has four areas of responsibility namely; Marketing and
Financial,Tenancy and Occupancy, Facility,Administration and Risk.Real Estate and property Management is exposed to the challenge of manual means of client registration, absence of electronic virtual tour mechanism to view real estate property before bargain is initiated, and inadequate advertisement platform for clients. These constraints tend to interfere with the ideal professional management in the domain of real Estate management.
This project work is designed to provide platform for addressing these short comings in the present management.The management information system development tool will be employed in developing a virtual real Estate platform for effective and efficient real estate management.
Specific Objectives of the Study
The aim of this study is to develop a management information system for real estate and property management
. In order to achieve this aim, the following objectives were drawn.
To investigate the principles and management of real estate and property management.
To investigate conventional methods in real estate and property management
To design the computer-based model for real estate and property management.
To simulate the computer-based model for real estate and property management.


Management Information System for Real Estate and Property Management

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