This research work is focused on the development and promotion of JacarandaPottery for sustainabletourism in ChikunLocal Government of Kaduna State. Continuous dwindling of patronage at the recreational center and its attendant in socio-economic and environmental impact informed the need for the researchers to ascertain some of the reasons attributable to lack of tourist satisfaction and patronage. The research was guided by using four research questions which are comprised of other questionnaires. Data was collected using desk survey, questionnaire and observation by visiting the site. The data collected were analyzed using the mean statistics method and using the five-point Likert scaleThe populationstudy of 120 participants was adopted for this study which comprises of staff and customer at Jacaranda Pottery. To establish relationship for the procedure, data was interpreted in a tabular form indicating clearly respondent’s responses in each of the item of the questionnaire. The implication of the finding was that without government and private sectors participation in recreation management, provision of recreational facilities and infrastructure is virtually impossible. Conclusively, proper maintenance and management of recreational facility will increase the level of economic and social activities within the community and the facility itself. It is therefore recommended that identified problems associated with Jacaranda Pottery be given adequate attention.



1.1 Background of the Study

A good number of the countries across the globe are promoting micro finance institutions not only as a small and medium scales enterprises (SMEs) development intervention but also as a SMEs development panacea. Allured by the success of micro credit institutions in developed countries, the developmental economists in under developed and developing economies have increasingly become enthusiastic in the promotion of micro credit as a SMEs development intervention, by tying it neatly with post-liberal development ideology. It must be pointed out that, although the basic philosophy behind the micro credit movement is to eradicate poverty as it stimulates the growth of SMEs by developing new markets and by promoting a culture of entrepreneurship, it involves minimal state intervention, thereby shifting the focus of attention away from the society towards individuals. As it has been asserted, the economic giants of the world developed their economies by relying on formal credit institutions through the development of their capital markets. But these formal credit institutions have on the whole failed to provide credit to the poor in the underdeveloped countries for many obvious reasons, (Von Pischke, 2009).

Small and Micro enterprises are the backbone of Nigeria economy and hold the key to possible revival of SMEs growth and the elimination of poverty on a sustainable basis. Despite the substantial role of the SMEs in Nigeria’s economies, they are denied official support, particularly credit, from institutionalized financial service organizations that provide funds to businesses. SMEs account more than one half of the economic activities of the Nigeria by contributing about 12% and 34% of rural and urban employment activities in Nigeria. Numerous evidences have pointed to the fact that the number of these SMEs in Nigeria is declining at an alarming rate and little has been achieved in Nigeria, despite of the many efforts done to fight for poverty reduction (Madole, 2013).

The introduction of Micro Finance Institution’s in Nigeria is seen as the best alternative source of financial services for low income earners and their SMEs as a means to raise their income, hence reducing their poverty level and contributing in country economy (Kessy & Urio, 2006).

The service of microfinance institution to majority of Nigerians who are low income earners have created opportunity to them including managing scarce household and SMEs resources more efficiently, protection against financial risks by taking advantages of investment opportunities and gaining economic returns (Chijoriga, 2000). Micro finance enables clients to protect, diversify and increase their incomes, as well as to accumulate assets, reducing their vulnerability to income and consumption shocks (Robinson, 2002).

Since Nigeria attained independence in 1960, considerable efforts have been directed towards the nation’s industrial development. The initial efforts were government-led through the vehicle of large industry, but lately emphasis has shifted to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The government encourages the microfinance crediting through licensing them and also giving them credit by loaning them through the Central Bank of Nigeria.

In Kaduna metropolis finance credit is not new in the sense that they used to loan each other through the popularly known credit and thrift. With the introduction of the microfinance institutions Kaduna metropolis residents have exploited it hence effective business.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Microfinance is a source of financial services for entrepreneurs and small businesses lacking access to banking and related services. These include the provision of small loans to poor people, especially in rural areas, at full-cost interest rates, without collateral, that are repayable in frequent installments. Borrowers are organized into groups, which reduces the risk of default. These are also effective mechanisms through which to disseminate valuable information on ways to improve the health, legal rights, sanitation and other relevant concerns of the poor. Above all, many microcredit programmes have targeted one of the most vulnerable groups in society – women who live in households that own little or no assets. By providing opportunities for self-employment.

A large numbers of entrepreneur have adopted the culture of getting capital from Micro Finance Institutions, than the deposit money banks because of the ease in Micro Finance Institutions credit. More so as top up they also continue with the tradition of saving and taking loans from credit and thrift groups. Dellien (2005) discusses key differences between the group lending and individual lending programs. First, because time and effort is invested in building social networks that enable groups to select members who are creditworthy under group lending, the role of loan officers is to provide structure, training on loan processes and administrative support. Under individual lending, loan officers bear principle responsibility for loan decisions; they screen, and monitor their clients as well as come up with mechanisms of enforcing repayment. Second, the principle incentives for repayment of group loans is joint liability, group reputation, credit rating and future access to credit for each member, all of which are directly contingent on each member upholding their obligations. On the other hand, individual lending programs use a variety of incentives such as collateral requirements, co-signers and guarantors to promote repayment and repayment discipline is created by strict enforcement of contracts.

Numerous studies have been done on this area, Wakaba ( 2014 ) among others did a research on the effect of microfinance credit on the financial performance of small and medium enterprises in Kenya. Another study done by Madole (2013) on the impact of microfinance credit on the performance of SMEs in Tanzania but there is no recent studies that focus on Nigeria most especially Kaduna metropolis. This study therefore intend to fill this gap by examine the impact of micro credit facility on growth of SMEs in Nigeria with a focus on Kaduna metropolis.

1.3 Research Objectives

The main objective is to examine the impact of micro credit facility on the growth of Small and Medium Enterprises in Kaduna metropolis. The specific objectives are as follows:

        i.            To examine the effects of Micro Finance credit on the growth of SMEs capital.

      ii.            To investigate the influence of Micro Finance Institutions credit on the growth of SMEs human resource.

    iii.            To determine the impact of MFIs Financial Assistance towards SME growth.

1.4 Research Questions

The study was guided by the following research questions:

        i.            What are the effects of Micro Finance credit on the growth of SMEs capital?

      ii.            How does Micro Finance Institutions credit effect growth of SMEs human resource?

    iii.            To what extend does MFIs Financial Assistance towards SME growth?

1.5 Research Hypotheses

The study was guided by the following research questions:

H01: There is no significant relationship between Micro Finance credit and growth of SMEs capital

H02: There is no significant relationship between Micro Finance Institutions credit and growth of SMEs human resource

H03: There is no significant relationship between MFIs Financial Assistance and SME growth

1.6. Significance of the Study

The results of this study will be used by the Government through the Ministry of Trade and Industries to develop better policies for establishment and growth of Micro and Small businesses. The Government of Nigeria will use the results of this study to develop policies and regulations that will guide the favorable location for growth of SMEs in Kaduana metropolis and other part of the State. 

The study will help Micro Finance Institutions to better understand the effects of credit on the performance of SMEs in order to implement better and effective programs in the future. More so will better expose possible areas of improvement in micro financing in Nigeria.

It sheds light on the relationship between microfinance credits and the performance of small and medium enterprise. This can help them to come out with substantive possible alternative policy interventions which might help to address problems and challenges which small and medium enterprises face.

It can also offer empirical evidence on the impact of microfinance credit on the performance of small and medium enterprises for use in short term and long term interventions especially in the fight against poverty.

Academicians who wish to undertake further research on the subject are able find the literature arising from this study to be of great value since it will add value on the existing literature. Likewise the findings of this study will enable the researcher to make recommendations on ways to improve performance of SMEs particularly SMEs.

The researcher will manage to graduate after this study is completed. The study will be useful even for the other coming researchers; by using it as reference and adding unique recommendations.

1.7 Scope of the Study

This study is based on the urban small business trends and specifically it focuses on Kaduna metropolis. The study will focus on the impact of Micro finance credit to the growth of Micro and Small Enterprises in Kaduna metropolis. The study will also cover only entrepreneurs in Kaduna metropolis.