Using geographic information systems


It is expected that curricula affect very complex or the various major trends are not uniform in the style enough) (in terms of complex systems (Chapter I), can be classified as traditional and design a rational approach. As we will see later, alternative curricula is based on management diversity and choice. In recent decades, has established several developing countries to identify research priorities by identifying the nature of thought to the user mechanisms, calls for studies and tests have been the past two decades, experience has shown that these mechanisms did not solve the problems that affect the research systems. The reason is that demand mechanisms or teaching the fundamentalist still, according to a written vision of science and not solve the problem of interaction between researchers and users entrepreneur, and in addition to that, do not affect the quality of research, and the use of modern teaching methods sophisticated ways Make of the success rates are high. The second approach, based on the theories applied in research (Chapter II), based on Vrzhih that the definition of research priorities (A complex process) requires more flexibility than just a claim identification mechanisms. These should recognize the complexity of the mechanisms systems that seek to influence and the capacity of all actors in the innovation system. Then, is organizing the process of determining research priorities and explore to achieve a balance in the exploitation of existing knowledge and capacity and to explore new opportunities to see the field study, which was applied to the Iraqi /ددعلا 28 ةلجم ةيبرتلا ةيلك ةيناسنلإاو ةيوبرتلا مولعلل ةيساسلأا / لباب ةعماج بآ / 2016 م 199 University) and the different success rates between the two trials, and this proves true, modern educational theory and accompanying the Nhzh informatics. Introduction Geographic Information Systems, the And teaching -in, has been developed and used for teaching Geographic and statistics. The system was used in a basic Identify symptoms ground and accounts quantity 182 students. The students were requested to answer questions in the gist and therefore monitored continuously during the semester. Data available include grades on a status exam conducted at the beginning of the course Application gis, a final grade and data gathered in the Geographic Information System. A classification of the students is considered, using the data gathered in the system; a Good student should be able to solve a problem quickly and get it right, the “diligent” hard-working Learner may take longer to get the right answer, a guessing (Poor) student will not take long to get the wrong answer and the remaining (Unclassified) apparent non-learning students take long to get the wrong answer, resulting in a simple classification GLUP. The (Poor) students were found to show the least improvement, defined as the change in grade from the status to the final exams, while the Learners were found to improve the most. More detailed analyses indicate that improvements in knowledge are best predicted as quadratic responses to the number of items requested and the time spent on each item. The results are used to demonstrate how further experiments are needed and can be designed as well as to indicate how a system needs to be further developed to accommodate such experiments. results are used to demonstrate how further experiments are needed and can be designed as well as to indicate how a system needs to be further developed to accommodate such experiments Educational،And explain the use of a demonstration by clarifying the topic in Digital Pictures With the increasing number of GIS educational systems several types of educational systems have emerged. These include learning management system (LMS), learning content management system (LCMS), virtual learning environment (VLE), course management system (CMS) and Adaptive and intelligent web-based educational systems (AIWBES). The LMS is designed for planning, delivering and managing learning events, usually adding little value to the learning process nor supporting internal content processes. A VLE provides similar service, adding interaction with users and access to a wider range of resources The primary role of a LCMS is to provide a collaborative authoring environment for creating and maintaining learning content . Many systems are merely a network of static hypertext pages but adaptive and intelligent GIS educational systems (AIWBES) use a model of the goals, preferences knowledge of each students and use this to adapt to the needs of that student . These systems Educational tend to be subject-specific because of their structural complexity and therefore do not provide a broad range of content. The GIS (at used here is an open and freely accessible AIWBES system, available to Altdresen and instructors at no cost. The system has been a research project since 1999 and is completely based on open source computer code with material under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License. The material and programs have been mainly developed in Iraq but also used in low-income areas ( Syria and Egypt). Software is written in the Plone، CMS (content management system), on top of a Zope Application Server. In terms of internal structure, the material is modular, consisting of departments (e.g. math/stats), each of which contains courses (Coordinates drop in the system and conducting statistical operations).