1. Background of the Study

This study arose as a result of the researcher’s interest in the concept of freedom in general and Jean Paul Sartre’s conception of it in particular.  This interest is due to the following reasons.

  1. Human life is only lived to its fullest when one is the author of his action. The awareness of, and actualization of, one’s freedom gives one the chance to pursue one’s possibilities, unlimited by any external force, to the best of one’s capabilities; and for one to be able to take responsibility for one’s actions.
  2. Sartre’s conception and presentation of freedom and action, if appreciated, can positively affect people’s lives, in that it helps them discover that they are free in whatever situation they find themselves. This will foster personal development since this idea of freedom opens the horizons of the possibilities of the human person in terms of what he can achieve in life. It will also give citizens a sense of autonomy that will help them avoid being used for selfish motives by a few individuals.

These reasons for choosing this area of study are rooted in the fact that freedom is an essential ingredient in the development of anything human— be it the human person as an individual or as a group. Acting without interference, whether real or imagined, is the only pre-requisite for human beings to attain their full potentials. It is only on the basis of freedom that we can justifiably apportion blame or reward to any human act or conduct. For people to be held responsible and accountable they have to possess a natural capacity for rational self- determination.  Jean Paul Sartre is one of the prominent philosophers who have committed interest in this question of freedom and how it is manifested in action. His central argument on the concept of freedom is that it is impossible to distinguish what we call human freedom from the being of human reality. Human beings do not exist first in order to be free subsequently; there is no difference, for him, between the human person and being-free. So freedom, for Sartre, should not be construed as a faculty of the human soul to be envisaged and described in isolation, that is, a property which belongs among others to the essence of the human being.4 He also asserts the inevitability of choice and responsibility that is bound with this freedom.

 Most people have the tendency of attributing most of the failures in their lives to some causes external to them or to some other individuals, thereby giving in to the idea that human reality is controlled or preconditioned by some forces beyond it. One sees this kind of habit in the public and private lives of individuals. For example, in the area of politics, especially in Nigeria, many have come to believe that they cannot make it to a position without being placed there by some very influential persons. Again, many do not believe they have the power to change things by their votes. In the private aspect of life people easily give up and rely on fate to decide whether they are to progress or not.

1.2 Statement of the Problem  

Sartre’s theory of freedom has been vehemently and negatively criticized by many scholars as having an exaggerated idea of human freedom; and most previous works on Sartre’s notion of freedom were theoretical and analytical, little attention was given to its practical and ethical implications in the society. This study sets out to determine the tenability of Sartre’s theory of freedom and actions and to see if Sartre is a thoroughgoing advocate of absolute human freedom or not, and to examine the ethical, religious and social implications of Sartre’s theory of freedom and action.

1.3 Thesis of the Study

This work advances the thesis that Sartre’s view that man is always free and responsible can be a foundation for some sort of ethical and religious life, albeit that his claim that the idea of the divine is in conflict with human freedom is not tenable.

1.4 Purpose of the Study

            The purpose of this work is to expose Sartre’s theory of freedom and action and to appreciate his contribution to the ongoing debate on human freedom. The work does this by examining his presentation of the theory of freedom, its implications for action, and its strengths and weaknesses within the public and private domains.

1.5 Significance of the Study

This study will have both theoretical and practical importance. Its theoretical significance is that it will be a source of literature for further studies in this area. The practical significance stems from the attention that this study draws to in the aspect of daily human living where we have to make choices amidst different and various options, challenges and obstacles. The work intends to help people develop their potentials to the fullest, and to take responsibility for whatever failure they encounter as a result of their negligence. This will bring about commitment in public life since to choose to be indifferent about public affairs is to choose to accept whatever outcome the choice of others will bring about.

1.6 Scope of the Study

The scope of this study is limited to Jean Paul Sartre’s concept of human freedom and action. The work will, therefore, examine his doctrine of consciousness since it is in this that he develops most of his arguments for human freedom and action.

1.7 Research Methodology This is a qualitative research. Data for this study were collected from books, journal articles and periodicals. The historical, expository and evaluative methods were used for this research. The study employed the historical method in order to situate the author within history. It used the expository method to expose Sartre’s theory in order to let his works speak for themselves. The evaluative method was also employed to ascertain the tenability of Sartre’s postulations.