Continuous Assessment in the Oral Communication Class: Teacher Constructed Test.


The oral communication course for English majors at the National University of Malaysia includes testing designed by faculty and coordinated with the curriculum. This practice iz based on the ideas that a te ther who has been actively involved in curriculum design is in a good position to design a test for that curriculum, and that teacher-made tests have a beneficial backwash effect on student learning. The course features two levels of instruction, each taught over two consecutive semesters. Final tests for both levels sample global communicative ability. Because the approach is communicative, the examinations are series of tests administered throughout the semester, allowing for continuous feedback to aid instruction. At level 1, the tests focus on three speaking tasks: extended, impromptu speech; group discussion; and an end-of-semester project. The tasks test three modes of speech: talking about oneself, others, experiences; narrating and describing events; and expressing and justifying opinions. At level 2, tests focus on group discussion, public speaking, debating, and an end-of-semester project. Rating scales have been constructed for all tests based on the types of communicative ability required. Continuous testing has reduced test anxiety. Test development is ongoing. (MSE) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** “

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