An Evolution Of The Impact Of Computerization On The Accounting System Of Small Scale Business Organisation (A Case Study Of Model Computers Company Warri Delta State)
ABSTRACT:Â The development of accounting systems and the computerization of these systems in a small scale business environment is the main theme of this study. The researcher examined the issues involved by understanding the computerized accounting system of model computers company, Warri. Based on the analysis of data for this study it was discovered that an effective and efficient operating environment is function of a good accounting system other things being equal. Similarity it was discovered that the introduction of computer and the development of accounting packages have revolutionized the accounting system of small scale business organisation. Therefore the general conclusion drawn from this study is that a computerize accounting system is a basic paradigm for small scale business organisations.
Fig. 4 – 1        Mcc organisation chart
Fig 5 – 1         Daceasy system interface
Fig 5 – 2         Customer module
Fig 5 – 3         Uendor module
Fig 5 – 4         Product module
Fig 5 – 5         General ledger module
Fig 5 – 7         Fixed asset module
Fig 5 – 8         Purchase order module
Fig 5 – 9         Invoicing module
Fig 5 – 10       Financial module
Fig 5 – 11       Default layout of accounts
Fig 5 – 12       Chart of account
Fig 5 – 13       Model chart of accounts
Fig 5 – 14       Fixed assets list
Fig 5 – 15       Current trail balance
Fig 5 – 16       Current profit and loss financial report
Fig 5 – 17       Period balance sheet
General Introduction                                                 1
1.1Background of the study                                                       1
1.2Statement of the problem                                          3
1.3Objectives of the study                                                          4
1.4Significance of the study                                                       5
1.5The scope of the study                                                          6
1.6Research limitations                                                   6
1.7Definition of terms                                                    7
Review of related literature                                      10
2.1Introduction                                                               10
2.2Accounting information system                                 13
2.3Computer technology and accounting                                   19
2.4Computer application for small business                   27
Note                                                                         31