Career choice is one of many important decisions students make when determining their future plans. One of the major concerns for young people nearing the end of their schooling is career choice (Adams, 2013). It is critical for both parents and their children because this decision will affect them for the rest of their lives. Every student, at some point in their education, is confronted with the decision of which career to pursue. We must decide what kind of men we want to be and what path we want to take in life, and this is the most difficult problem in the world.” The vocation or career of an individual is one of the most important aspects of human endeavor because it determines many aspects of human existence. It has the power to enhance or detract from one’s joy and happiness. He went on to say that true joy, happiness, and satisfaction are linked to the right profession (Okon, 2012). He also proposed that the type of occupation one chooses could improve one’s emotional and marital stability. According to Eze (2013), many Nigerian youths make poor career choices due to ignorance, inexperience, peer pressure, incorrect modeling, advice from friends, parents, and teachers, or the prestige associated with certain jobs in the absence of adequate vocational guidance and career counseling. As a result, many of them are unsuitable for their careers, as they frequently find themselves in jobs that do not meet their value needs. They are usually unable to make a meaningful contribution to society and, as a result, become liabilities to the country. What the student wants to do with his or her life’s work will be central to who the student is. Work is one of our greatest blessings, and everyone should have a decent job (Job 1999). They also claimed that each student carries a distinct history from their past, which influences how they perceive the world. That history, which is shaped in part by the student’s environment, personality, and opportunities, will influence how students choose careers. As a result, how students perceive their environment, personality, and opportunities will influence their career choices. All of these things are referred to as the student support system. Parents, relatives, siblings, peers, teachers, and counselors are all part of the student support system. In terms of a student’s environment, the home, peer group, and school are all very important (Book & Freeman 1985).

Nobody can deny the critical function that teachers play in changing the attitudes of society in order to make it a highly respected society in the globe. No school system can thrive in the absence of excellent instructors, and good teachers may be recruited to teaching through motivation. There are two kinds of motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic (Sweetheart, 1999). The study seeks to identify the most successful elements in enticing instructors to teach. Given the significance of teachers, several action plans and appealing packages have been established in Europe, Australia, and Asia to inspire instructors in the classroom. Darling (1999) suggested that teachers all across the world are demotivated by low pay scales, a lack of a safe atmosphere, insufficient resources, and an inflexible environment. Competitive pay, a supportive institutional environment, social respect, and a high social position, on the other hand, are the most driving elements for teachers to pursue a career in education. Other major reasons to select teaching, according to Book & Freeman (1992), include intrinsic, extrinsic, and altruistic motivation. All three categories of motivation occasionally overlap in defining characteristics; it relies on the nature of the inquiry for which any category is employed. For example, in many studies, the aim in dealing with pupils has come under the canopies of intrinsic and sometimes under the bridge of altruistic form (Battle 1965). According to Book & Freeman (1985), the most important motivators for entering the teaching profession are job stability, job perks, compatibility with family obligations, social engagement, and a desire to work with students. As a result, the study intends to conduct a study of motivation in the choice of teaching as a career in Nigerian local government.