
The purpose of the study is to investigate the factors associated with pregnancy complications among child bearing mothers in Abuja Municipal Area Council. To achieve the purpose of the study, five specific objectives with corresponding research questions were posed, and three hypotheses postulated. Descriptive survey research design was used for the study. The population for the study. The population for the study comprised of 4080 childbearing mothers drawn from the eight selected Government and private hospitals in Abuja Municipal Area Council, while sample for the study consisted of 422. A 38 item of Factors Associated with Pregnancy Complications among childbearing Mothers Questionnaire (FAPCMQ). The researcher designed questionnaire comprising of five sections (A, B, C, D, and E) was the instrument used for data collection. The instrument was validated by five experts from the Department of Health and Physical Education and one from Department of Statistics all of the University of Nigeria Nsukka. Percentages and frequency were used for descriptive analysis of data; chi-square statistics was used for testing of the hull hypotheses at .05 level of significance. The result of the study showed that the following factors are associated with pregnancy complications: age (26-30 years (95%), 21-25 years (92.2%), 31-35years (86.6%), Educational levels that associated with pregnancy complications were inadequate knowledge of pregnancy related complication (51.5%), inadequate knowledge of need for antenatal registration (46.6%). Parity: (57.4%), lack of knowledge of the family planning (53.4%). Lack of the awareness of consequences of miscarriage to the mother’s health (52%). Nutritional factors: (lack of knowledge of the need for calcium in the diet (93.6%), lack of vitamins in the diet (91.7%), lack of protein in the diet (60%), inadequate intake of fruit and vegetables (55.9%). Medical factors: (ectopic pregnancy (92.2%), diabetes (75.5%), haemorrhage (62.3%), abortion (53.4%), Hypertension (51.5%). There was no significant different in age, parity and there were significant difference in some of the factors associated with pregnancy complications according to educational level, nutritional knowledge at the medical factors. It was therefore recommended that mothers of childbearing should be educated and examine during pregnancy early enough medically to avoid pregnancy complications. Pregnancy complications should be treated under health education in primary and secondary school curriculum to educate girl child and medical personnel and health educators.



Background to the Study

In the life of every mother she undergoes certain changes called pregnancy. It is a period when there are normal physical and physiological processes taking place in her body, which results in the continuation of the species. Pregnancy is the beginning of a new life, it starts with conception and continues through the development of the foetus and finally ends at birth (Isidro & Heminia, 2004).

Pregnancy as defined by Samuel (2010) is the state of having an implanted embryo in the uterus until such a time that it is terminated by spontaneous or elective abortion or delivery. Aguilar and Galbes (2004) opined that pregnancy is a normal physiological process which results in the continuation of the species. Pregnancy has a positive influence on the female organism both physically and psychologically. During gestation the mother reaches her full physiological and mental potential.     

              Pregnancy as conceived by lsidro and Heminia (2004) is the beginning of a new life. Benneth and Brown (1990) described pregnancy as a locus from conception to birth, which brings changes due to the effects of estrogen and progesterone. These changes enable the mother to nurture her foetus, prepare her body for labour, develop her breast and lay down stores of fat to provide calories for production of breast milk.

 Pregnancy according to Roper (1999) is defined as carrying a baby from the last normal menstrual period to parturition, normally 40 weeks or 280 days. The concept of pregnancy is seen as a normal life event, to a mother, it appears discordant depending on her life experience (Myles, 1999). For instance globally, about 6,000,000 mothers die every year from pregnancy related complications. In Nigeria, maternal mortality ratio is estimated to be 800 per 100, 000 live births. WHO (2007) stated that mothers die as a result of the complications during childbirth. But experience and literature have shown that some mothers experience complications in pregnancy.

Mittendorf, Willian and Berher (1999) asserted that pregnancy is the carrying of one or more foetus in the body of a female mammal. The first trimester is from the first months, and to the third month, the second trimester is from the fourth to the sixth months, and the third trimester from the seventh to the ninth month. According to Benneth and Brown, (2001) pregnancy is normally forty weeks approximately for all mothers and mothers of childbearing age in Abuja Municipal Area Council inclusive. During pregnancy, because of the extra demand by the foetus on the mother and also due to hormonal influences, the mother is posed with many needs and problems (Agular & Galbes, 2004). Nevertheless, there are certain factors, which serve as ingredients for personal health.  These factors are more pressing or are in greater demand at certain periods of human life, notably during pregnancy than at other periods. Therefore when those conditions or factors are absent or deficient, health needs and (health problems) complications arise because health of the mother is threatened (Adi, 1979).

The period of pregnancy according to Myles (2006) is the most demanding period in a mother’s life. The pregnant mother requires adequate attention to avoid malformation and problems which may be physical, emotional, social and economical in nature. According to Benneth and Brown (2001) the health needs of a pregnant women could be physical (needs concerned with the physical requirement such a good nutrition, medical care, personal hygiene, breast care, dental care, proper clothing, exercises, rest and sleep, sexual activity and traveling needs), psychological (emotional care that mothers  need during pregnancy from their partner, other members of the family and the health workers), and social-economic (spouse support, accessibility of health facilities, availability of good roads and transportation, level of education, economic status, customs and beliefs, availability of qualified and skilled health workers and materials.

Pregnancy is the most nutrition demanding period in mother’s life because she needs enough nutrient everyday to support her health, demands from the growing foetus and many hormones induced developmental processes. the American Dietetic Association- ADA (2002) stated that a pregnant mother needs extra 300 calories daily, making it a total of 2500 to 2700 calories daily to improve the nutritional level of a mother thereby averting medical complications.

In the context of this study, pregnancy is defined as inception of the embryo in the uterus which continues through the development of the foetus and finally ends at birth.