FLOODING I N NIGERIAN CITIES: PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS. A C ase S tudy of Aba Urban, Abia State , Nigeria .


FLOODING I N NIGERIAN CITIES: PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS. A C ase S tudy of Aba Urban, Abia State , Nigeria .


Nigeria is the most populous Black race country in Africa and in the world with a total land area of 983,213 km 2 occupied by over 1 6 0 Million people: The interaction of these millions of people with their environment has left indelible mark on the landsca pe. Urbanization, deforestation , flooding, desertification, over populatio n and all kinds of pollution are some of the resultant effects of man ’ s interaction with his env ironm ent. These changes result from th e populace attempt to ac hieve their see mingly endless desire for food, shelter, recreation and infrastructural facilities and urbanization in general . T his has placed a lot of pressure on th e environment . F looding has become the annual experience of Nigerian cities especially in Ab a , Abia S t ate where it has causes economic stampede in the rainy seasons of the year. E ffort made by the government and residents to forestall the menace has produced sub – optimal results. T he re is hence , the need to ad opt m ore proactive , standard and reliable procedures that can give sustainable outc ome and restore the s oc io – eco no mics growth of the urban centre . Flooding in Nigerian Cities….. A Case Study of Aba Urban Area 2





Human anxiousness as well as quest to improve survival chances and gain better control over their environment has indeed succeeded through man’s constant exploration, exploitation and alteration of the natural environment. This has enabled man to achieve urbanization, industrialization and development in general. These developments have not come without a very high price due to the vindictive nature of the environment. The result or implication of h uman development is the evolution of serious environmental problems such as deforestation, erosion, global warming, flooding, pollution and recently climate change etc. these environmental problems have prevailed more in the developed nations of the world and urban centers in general. Flooding particularly has caused a lot of the world. This research focuses on the problems and prospects of flooding in Nigerian cities, using Aba urban Area as a case study. In recent times, many urban Area s in the Nigeria ha ve been facing series of environmental problems especially flooding. This is particularly the case with Aba urban Area where flood has constantly caused destruction of property and discourage socio – economic activities in the area. Aba urban Area is the commercial and industrial nerve Area of Abia State in Nigeria. Aba has a very high population which has increasingly intensified human activities in the area. Flooding in Nigerian Cities….. A Case Study of Aba Urban Area 3 The increasing persistence of flood occurrences in recent times has undoubtedly attracted public awareness about the need to combat this environmental hazard to improve the economic viability of Aba urban center, the study area. It is perhaps the realization of this that prompted the Abia State Government’s decision to embark on the construction of a total of about 27 kilometers of primary and secondary drainage channels which is expected to drain an area of about 2000 hectares of land upon its completion (ministry of works Abia State, 2010). It is also expected that the drainages still under constru ction would supplement the already existing ones in the commercial city. Experience has shown however, that inspite of the increasing awareness in combating flood hazard in Aba urban Area, the menace has persisted. This is because past flood control strate gies have not achieved the desired result. The failure to achieve these results may in fact be due to lack of understanding of the dynamic characteristics of the environmental variable that influence the persistence of these flood and which is great impor tance in the formation of effective flood – control policies. Inability of the state government




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