
The bulk majority of the tax evasion and tax avoidance is caused by inadequate machineries and

lack of skilled personal in administrative tax bodies as well as the legal framework upon which

their relationship rest. This result in many problems of the tax collection in Nigeria. It is in this

regard that the topic of this dissertation entitled “A Legal Examination of the Role of Taxation in

Revenue Generation and Economic Development in Nigeria” was chosen. This study is to

present, explore and analyze the nature and extent of tax legal provisions relating to the role of

taxation in revenue generation and economic development in Nigeria. It will also present how

they are maintained, practiced, adhered to and suggest some ways and means of improving the

present state of affairs. The study is composed of five Chapters. Thus, Chapter one dealt with the

General Introduction, Background, Statement of Problems, Aims and Objectives, Scope of the

study, Significance of the study, Research Methodology, Literature Review and Organizational

layout. Chapter two discussed on Examination of Taxing power in the Federal Republic of

Nigeria under the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (As amended), and the

brief history of Income Taxation in Nigeria. Chapter three is the bedrock of the whole work that

discussed the role of taxation in the economic development of Nigeria with its legal perspectives.

Chapter four discussed on significance of Taxation in Nigeria; Nigerian Economic Situation and

Tax as incentive for economic growth. Chapter five which is the last chapter discussed on

Summery, Findings and Recommendations that my hopefully be help in solving the problems.



1.1 Background of the Study

Tax is one of the sources of revenue for the government.


This is so because for the achievement

of aims, goals and objectives, an organization will need to have enough funds at its disposal.

This importance assumes an accelerated dimension in the face of the present economic recession

in Nigeria.


Therefore, tax system is one of the most powerful means available to the government to

stimulate and guide its economic and social development. In the life of any nation, taxation is an

indispensable tool employed by the government for the promotion of their overall economic and

social objectives. The crucial role that taxation plays in the development of Nigerian economy

cannot be over emphasized.


Though revenue generation seems to be the primary goal of the government when it levies taxes,

however it not the only purpose of the government in levying taxes, but produces economic need

for the government.

For instance, when investment, production, consumption and so on, begin to rise or fall

dangerously, a change in the tax structure can stop or reverse the undesired trend. It is in

1Is-haq (2010) Repositioning the Nigeria‟s Tax System; Suggested Policy Measures University of

Ilorin Press Ltd p.3

2 Jinghal L..M. (1995 ) The Economic Development Planning 28 Revised Edition, Publish offset Press, New Delhi

3 Is-haq op cit p

recognition of this crucial role of taxation in a country‟s economy that the United State Supreme

Court has this to say in the case of Nichols v. Ames


Taxation is one great power upon which the National fabric is

base. It is necessary to the existence and prosperity of a nation. It

is in the air she breathes. For natural men, it is not only the power

to destroy…

Taxation provides the main impetus for formulation and implementation of an optimal fiscal

strategic policy. To this end state governments in Nigeria play and carry out important roles and

responsibilities, for examples apart from Local governments State governments are the second

tier of governments closest to the people. These governments coupled with other responsibilities

they are saddled with they provides the people with social services, and to do this effectively

they need to generate enough funds.

Therefore, to generate enough funds for any government in order to discharge its responsibilities

effectively it is a matter of concern to everyone. The accessibility of the income of the tax payer

from all sources, including balancing charge, less allowable deductions for expenses, capital

allowances and losses are the income of the taxpayers. There is the unreported case of a

Professor who earned N3,000 from a part-time state appointment. He transferred the income

tohis University faculty to be used for the advancement of education. The income had never

come to his hands. The revenue successfully contended that the income was that of Professor and

not that of the recipient of a gift, since the recipient had not earned it. The Professor may plead

that this is good example of a legal tax avoidance to benefit mankind, and that an American case

of the RITES Foundation may be cited as a precedent. The point here is that it must be proved

conclusively that the income is that of the taxpayers.

4 (1935) T.C. 531

Tax rates are fixed by Government as a matter of fiscal policy. Over times, these rates have

changed in line with government perception of economic realities on the ground. Tax rates in

taxation makes for progression which translates into the higher the income, the higher the tax