Communicating Emergency Preparedness: Strategies for Creating a Disaster Resilient Public


Public Disaster Preparedness: In Theory and In Practice Communication Science: A Primer Social Marketing The Public Disaster Preparedness Process: A Systems Approach Purpose, Goals, and Objectives Seeing the Bigger Picture: Communication as One Component of a Larger Solution Requirements of a Public Education Campaign The Dangers of Failed Risk Communication Managing Risk, Emergencies, and Disasters Fundamental Emergency Management Concepts The Management of Risk The Management of Emergencies and Disasters: Emergency Management Functions The Management of Emergencies and Disasters: Emergency Management Structures Governmental Preparedness Actions Individual and Business Preparedness Jurisdictional Management and Control: Defining Responsibility What is Public Emergency Preparedness? The Advantages of a Trained Public The Campaign – Step 1: Early Planning Define the Problem Market Research Existing Program Research and Gap Analysis Determine Project Feasibility Establish Realistic Goals and Objectives Form the Planning Team and Coalition Drawing Up Partnership Plans Project Management Step 2: Develop a Campaign Strategy Project Kickoff The Campaign Strategy Selecting Appropriate Settings, Channels, and Methods Selecting Communication Channels and Methods Selecting Communicators Design and Develop Message Content Creating Targeted Materials Social Norms Design Materials Activities and Events Planning Establishing a Project Timetable Creating the Comprehensive Communication Plan Pre-Testing and Adjusting Campaign Materials Campaign Implementation and Evaluation Campaign Launch The Media Evaluation Objectivity in Evaluation The Justification for Evaluation Process Evaluation Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Design Program Support Types of Program Support Sources of Support Implementing a Fundraising Strategy Fundraising Strategy Factors Asking for Stuff Emergency Management Public Education Case Studies Multi-Cultural Disaster Preparedness Campaign Multi-Cultural Disaster Preparedness Campaign Preparing Children for Emergencies Organized Training for Communities Children’s “Edutainment” Program Disaster Preparedness at Religious Institutions Earthquake Readiness Taught to a Population Who Speaks English as a Second Language Citywide Preparedness Effort Volunteer Emergency Preparedness Program Teaching Emergency Preparedness in Schools Emergency Preparedness in Public Transportation FEMA Prepares Children for Disasters Disaster Preparedness in Schools Emergency Preparedness in Neighborhoods Public Private Partnership for Disaster Preparedness National Public Education Effort Appendix: Websites and Downloadable Guides Found on the Internet Index