Digitalna obradba rukopisnoga rječnika Vocabolario di tre nobilissimi linguaggi, italiano, illirico, e latino Ivana Tanzlinghera Zanottija (1651.—1732.)


This work deals with digital version of manuscript dictionary compiled by Ivan Tanzlingher Zanotti, a canon from Zadar, in the year 1699, and kept in the Slavic library, at the Department of English, Germanic and Slavic Philology, Languages and Literatures of the University of Padua. The dictionary was digitized as a task of the project “Digitalizzazione e messa on line del Vocabolario di tre nobilissimi linguaggi, italiano, illirico e latino di Tanzlingher”, that is also a part of a larger project INTERREG III A Transfrontaliero Adriatico, which is realised in cooperation with the Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics. The following phases of work are presented: preparation of the material including digitization of the photographs manuscript, selection of appropriate program for text editing and setting up the protocol for typing in the text, editing, and various ways of dealing with numerous issues arising mostly when dealing with the Croatian component of the dictionary. The Web version of the dictionary is presented together with various search possibilities . Ključne riječi: Tanzlingher Zanotti, rukopisni rječnik, digitalizacija, mrežno izdanje rječnika, transkripcija